Dr. Thomas Figart

In the Fulness of Time/Part 132

By Dr. Thomas Figart / March 1, 2010

By: Dr. Thomas O. Figart; ©2010 The first question of Jesus to the Pharisees has to do with the humanity of the Messiah; at least this is how they interpreted…

In the Fulness of Time/Part 131

By Dr. Thomas Figart / March 1, 2010

By: Dr. Thomas O. Figart; ©2010 The Pharisees and Saducees had a common motive, to entrap Jesus no matter how He answered the three questions in this section of Matthew:…

In the Fulness of Time/Part 130

By Dr. Thomas Figart / March 1, 2010

By: Dr. Thomas O. Figart; ©2010 Though there is a chapter division here, the argument of the context definitely indicates that this parable is the conclusion of a trilogy of…

In the Fulness of Time/Part 124

By Dr. Thomas Figart / March 1, 2010

By: Dr. Thomas O. Figart; ©2010 The parable in this passage tells of a the landowner who hired people at different times during the day, and at the end, paid…

In the Fulness of Time/Part 123

By Dr. Thomas Figart / March 1, 2009

By: Dr. Thomas O. Figart; ©2009 There are two misconceptions in the question asked by the rich young ruler. First, he had a wrong idea concerning the Person of Christ;…

In the Fulness of Time/Part 122

By Dr. Thomas Figart / March 1, 2009

By: Dr. Thomas O. Figart; ©2009 In this passage parents brought their children to Jesus hoping for a blessing. Why would they have done that? What were they expecting from…

In the Fulness of Time/Part 116

By Dr. Thomas Figart / March 1, 2009

By: Dr. Thomas O. Figart; ©2009 Jesus turns now to the subject of relationships of “brothers” among the believers. When a brother is found to be in sin, this passage…

In the Fulness of Time/Part 114

By Dr. Thomas Figart / March 1, 2009

By: Dr. Thomas O. Figart; ©2009 Jesus has told His disciples before about His coming death: someone would deliver Him into the hands of evil men, these men would kill…

In the Fulness of Time/Part 106

By Dr. Thomas Figart / March 1, 2008

By: Dr. Thomas O. Figart; ©2008 Is Christ the “rock”? Is Peter’s confession the rock? Is Peter the rock? Dr. Figart explains the support and objections to each interpretation. Previous…

In the Fulness of Time/Part 105

By Dr. Thomas Figart / March 1, 2008

By: Dr. Thomas O. Figart; ©2008 Whom do men say that I am? Jesus asked his disciples this question, and their response included Peter’s great confession, “You are the Christ,…