Recent Articles

Evidence for the Devil – The Testimony of Former Spiritists

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2003 The authors point to the testimony of former spiritists and the phenomenon of spirit possession as they continue the bring evidence of an entity we call the Devil. Contents 1 Evidence for the Devil 2 The Testimony of Former Spiritists 3 The Phenomenon of Spirit Possession 4…

Evidence for the Devil – Testimony from the Bible

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2003 Those who prefer to ignore or deny the existence of a devil must deal with the testimony of the Bible, particularly the words of Jesus himself. Contents 1 Evidence for the Devil: Testimony from the Bible 2 The Authority of the Bible 3 The Testimony of Jesus…

Evidence For the Devil – Secular Sources

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2003 The fact that all spiritistically inspired literature opposed biblical teaching confirms the biblical view of spiritual warfare. Otherwise, why should godly spirits oppose biblical teachings at all? The spirits’ own teachings confirm they are not who they claim. Evidence for the Devil – Secular Sources Hostility to…

Evidence for the Devil

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2003 How dangerous is it to deny Satan’s existence? How dangerous is it to think of Satan as “a gent with red horns and a long tail”? Drs. Ankerberg and Weldon explain that Satan is NOT just primitive superstition. Contents 1 Evidence for the Devil 2 Eight Arguments…

When Deceived, Who Is At Fault

By: Lorri MacGregor; ©March 2003 When it comes to cults, who are the deceived and who are the deceivers? Can there be “deceived” even among the leaders of a group? Are the “deceived” always innocent simply due to ignorance? Lorri MacGregor gives an illustration from the Bible that may help you think through this issue.…

The Watchtower and Violent Crime

By: Lorri MacGregor; ©April 2003 Why are Jehovah’s Witnesses linked to a high crime rate, statistically out of proportion to the population in general? Lorri MacGregor describes Watchtower Society rules that may help explain this phenomenon. Dr. Jerry Bergman was still an active Jehovah’s Witness when he wrote his thesis on Crime and the Watchtower…

The Checkered History of the Watchtower Michael

By: Lorri MacGregor; ©January 2003 Who is Michael? The Watchtower Society has changed its teaching on that subject with alarming regularity. Lorri MacGregor traces the history of these changes up to the present time. The Watchtower Society of Jehovah’s Witnesses has played theological Ping-Pong with the Archangel Michael throughout its history. We ask, “Who is…

Kiss Your Freedom Goodbye

By: Lorri MacGregor; ©September 2003 Are Jehovah’s Witnesses really free? Lorri MacGregor suggests that they are free—free to do exactly what the Watchtower Society tells them—and not much else. Jehovah’s Witnesses are always being told how “free” they are. After all, they are free from the false religions of Christendom they are told, free from…

Jehovah’s Witnesses and Baptism

By: Lorri MacGregor; ©July 2003 What does baptism mean for a Jehovah’s Witness? What must a Jehovah’s Witness do before he can be baptized? What does the Bible say about baptism? Lorri MacGregor explores these questions. In the Watchtower Society of Jehovah’s Witnesses, a public baptism at one of their conventions marks the recruit’s decision…

Millennial Views-Part 11

By: Dr. Renald Showers; ©2003 Dr. Showers explores the rise and fall of the postmillennial view of prophecy. Contents The Popularity And Decline of Postmillennialism From the time of its early development in the seventeenth century until the twentieth century, Postmillennialism increased in popularity until it became “one of the most important and influen­tial millennial…