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Tattoos in the Bible

By: Rev. Sam Harris; ©2003 What does the Bible say about tattoos? Responding to an email question, Rev. Harris explains where we can find tattoos mentioned in the Bible. He also gives two medical reasons tattoos may not be a good idea. Question: What does to Bible say about tattoos? Answer: There is only one…

Ground of Difference: The Battle for Biblical Truth

By: Dr. Ted Baehr, Dr. Tom Snyder; ©2003 What is the difference between Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings? While there are many ways to answer that question, Dr. Ted Baehr and Dr. Tom Snyder concentrate on the ontological difference—the different views of reality presented by the two authors. “A 4-year-old girl was…

Beware the Bigoted Kibitzers

By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2003 Those who object to a Christian message in movies, or in the newspaper, might need to check their own biases. Contents 1 Beware the Bigoted Kibitzers 2 Notes Beware the Bigoted Kibitzers Recently, our friend Robert Knight took another friend David Horowitz to task for an article in which Horowitz…

Playing God, The Lust for Power – Part 2

By: Dave Hunt; ©2003 If, as many occultists claim we are gods who have simply forgotten our identity, what good will it do us to remember? Aren’t we likely to just forget again? Further, exactly what does “god” have to go through to remember that he is “god”? Contents 1 Playing God, The Lust for…

Behind the Scenes of “Sinbad”: Something to Say

By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2003 Dr. Baehr reports that the writers and directors of the movie Sinbad: The Legend of the Seven Seas deliberately included some wonderful moral lessons for children. However, he cautions that parents may still need to speak to their children about some of the mythological elements. Contents 1 Behind the Scenes…

Behind the Big News (A MovieGuide ® Review)

By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2003 This documentary, distributed by American Opinion Book Services, exposes our need for discernment when it comes to news reporting. Contents 1 Behind the Big News (A MovieGuide® Review) Behind the Big News (A MovieGuide® Review) RATING: None RELEASE: 2003 TIME: 59 minutes DIRECTOR: Tom Gow PRODUCER: Tom Gow EXECUTIVE PRODUCER:…

Reasons for the Modern Occult Revival – Part 1

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon; ©2003 A worldwide occult revival is mushrooming in obvious and less obvious guises. Even the military and some major corporations are turning to the occult. What factors have contributed to this resurgence? Contents 1 Reasons for the Modern Occult Revival – Part 1 2 Notes Reasons for…

Playing God, The Lust for Power – Part 5

By: Dave Hunt; ©2003 The belief that someone can create their own universe, or their own reality, within their own mind presents some serious problems for adherents. Nonetheless, many voices today are trying to tell us we are our own god, in charge of our own reality. Dave Hunt explains why this just doesn’t “work”…

Playing God, The Lust for Power – Part 4

By: Dave Hunt; ©2003 The serpent in the Garden of Eden promised Adam and Eve they could be like God. Mormons are taught that they can BE gods. Is there a connection here that goes beyond the obvious? Contents 1 Playing God, The Lust for Power—Part 4 1.1 Following the Serpent 1.2 Power, Power, Who…

Playing God, The Lust for Power – Part 3

By: Dave Hunt; ©2003 It’s the same old lie that’s been around since the Garden: “Ye shall be as gods.” Only now the message is “you can be gods.” What’s even more disturbing is that this message is coming from those who claim to be Christians! Contents 1 Playing God, The Lust for Power—Part 3…