Recent Articles

Evangelicals and Redaction Criticism: Dancing on the Edge

By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©1987 This challenge was first given to the Trinity Evangelical Divinity School faculty in the late 1970s when a faculty member began to adopt a form of redaction criticism. Evangelicals and Redaction Criticism: Dancing on the Edge Taken from “Evangelicals and Redaction Criticism: “Dancing on the Edge,” in Bibliology Notes Dallas…

Do Mormons Believe the Same as Christians Do?

By: ATRI Transcript; ©1986 Is Mormonism simply another Christian denomination or are there fundamental differences in the Mormon faith that separates it from traditional Christianity? This program transcript from Mormon Officials and Christian Scholars Compare Doctrines provides a glimpse at these doctrinal differences. Do Mormons believe the same as Christians do? What is it that…

Messianic Prophecies: Do they Point to Jesus or Somebody Else?/Program 2

By: Dr. Pinchas Lapide, Dr. Walter Kaiser, Jr.; ©1985 Does the Jewish community recognize its own verses in the Old Testament that show that the Messiah will also come and suffer? More evidence from the Hebrew Scriptures concerning the Messiah and does it apply to Jesus or not. Contents 1 Introduction Introduction Ankerberg: Alright, thank…

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? – Program 1

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Norman Geisler, Rabbi Harold Kushner; ©1985 Is God limited? Is he loving – but not all-powerful? Are there some things he simply can’t do anything about? Contents Program 1: Why Do BAD THINGS Happen to GOOD PEOPLE? Is there A God? What Kind of God is He? John Ankerberg: Good…


Reading Between the Fossil Lines

One of the most frequently argued objections to the trustworthiness of Scripture is found in the apparent discrepancy between the account of creation given in Genesis 1 and the supposed evidence from the fossils and fissionable minerals in the geological strata that indicated Earth is billions of years old. Yet Genesis 1 allegedly teaches that…

Evangelicals Debate Biblical Inerrancy/Program 3

By: Lee Strobel; ©1982 Are there some stories in the Bible – like Adam, like Jonah and the great fish, like that resurrection of Jesus – that are not intended to be taken as literal? Contents Contents 1 Are There Things in the Bible We Can’t Believe? Are There Things in the Bible We Can’t…

Evangelicals Debate Biblical Inerrancy/Program 4

By: Lee Strobel; ©1982 Evangelicals have different ideas of how certain parts of the Bible should be interpreted. Is it possible for all to reach a consensus on how the Bible should be interpreted? Are there some things we can disagree on but still maintain unity? Contents Contents 1 Can Evangelicals Unite in Their View…

Evangelicals Debate Biblical Inerrancy/Program 2

By: Lee Strobel; ©1982 Can we accept the Bible as our authority when it comes to matters of salvation and faith, but allow that it contains errors in other matters? Contents Contents 1 Can the Bible be Authoritative, but Contain Errors? Can the Bible be Authoritative, but Contain Errors? Guests (information was valid at the…

Evangelicals Debate Biblical Inerrancy/Program 1

By: Lee Strobel; ©1982 Are there some parts of the Bible that do contain errors, especially when it comes to scientific matters? Does God communicate differently to individual authors of the Bible? Contents Contents 1 How Should We Define “Error” When Speaking About the Bible? How Should We Define “Error” When Speaking About the Bible?…