The New World Religion – Part 8

By: Gary Kah; ©1999
Gary Kah explains what the United Religions Initiative is, and why you should be concerned about this movement.


The New World Religion – Part 8 – Uniting the Religions

Since beginning this series we have chronicled the progress of the ecumenical/interfaith movement, pointing out the movement’s interconnections with the Vatican, the UN, and various New Age organizations. Our last article was devoted primarily to evaluating the contributions of the “1993 Parliament of the World’s Religions” to the interfaith agenda. In that article we rein­troduced the reader to Robert Muller, former UN Assistant Secretary-General, who delivered the parliament’s first keynote address. We also examined the activities of the Assembly of Religious and Spiritual Leaders, a powerful group consisting of Muller and his closest New Age allies that convened during the parliament. Members of that assembly endorsed an un­precedented interfaith document known as the “Global Ethic” which they hope will shape the future religious course of mankind. But this was not the only development to come out of the parliament.

The Assembly of Religious and Spiritual Leaders introduced another initiative with far reaching implications. The Assembly–following Muller’s lead—called for the creation of an international religious authority aimed at unifying all of the world’s “faiths” and spiritual “tradi­tions.” This proposal, being coordinated through Muller and the UN, is moving forward under the “United Religions Initiative.” (See Exhibit Q in The New World Religion.)

Bringing all of the world’s religions into cooperation with the United Nations has been Robert Muller’s top priority for many years. His passion for this spiritual agenda is apparent in the following statements: “My great personal dream is to get a tremendous alliance between all the major religions and the UN.” “I would wholeheartedly support the creation of an institutional arrangement in the UN or in UNESCO for a dialogue and cooperation between religions.”

Although Muller’s vision is currently still at the conceptual stage, preliminary meetings are already being held. At a 1997 education conference, Muller elaborated on the progression of his concept:

Let me tell you, that when you have an idea, which you consider fundamental and good for humanity, sooner or later you can implement it. So I was invited to the World Parliament of Religions. And I made a speech there, which was so well received by all the participants that the idea of creating a United Religions like the United Nations was promoted during the World Parliament of Religions. And then during the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations in San Francisco, we launched again the idea of United Religions and at the end of June there would be a meeting of 200 people from various religions in San Francisco to draft and to give birth, in San Francisco, to a United Religions…I almost cannot believe it that they listened to me! I will be the father of the United Religions!

Working closely with Muller on this daring initiative is Rev. William Swing of Grace Epis­copal Cathedral in San Francisco. Although Muller is the visionary behind United Religions and the catalyst between the major parties involved, Rev. Swing has become the initiative’s figurehead and spokesperson. Swing, who is the residing Episcopal bishop of the Diocese of California, apparently was considered to be the most politically correct Protestant candidate to work with the Vatican, the Gorbachev Foundation, and the United Nations in shepherding this initiative into finalization.

The direct involvement of the UN in this project has been evident from the beginning. Swing relates how the UN first contacted him in 1993 about heading up a worship celebration on its behalf: “Three and a half years ago, a telephone call arrived in San Francisco from the United Nations asking if we, at Grace Cathedral, would host a great interfaith worship service honoring the 50th Anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter in our city.” This request is allegedly what prompted Swing to become involved in the United Religions Initiative (URI). He continues, “I got out of bed the next day determined to commit the rest of my life to an initiative that would create a United Religions which would, in appropriately spiritual ways, parallel the United Nations.”

As suggested by Swing, the United Religions organization is intended to be to religion what the United Nations has become to global politics, unifying the world’s religions as the UN is unifying the world’s nations. In a press release dated June 23, 1997, Bishop Swing con­firmed these plans: “The URI—if successful—will be a spiritual United Nations. And what better place to give it birth than the Bay Area, which gave birth to the present UN.”

Toward this end, proponents of the UR Initiative, operating under the framework of the Global Ethic, are preparing a detailed United Religions Charter outlining the world’s religious future. In a recent interview, Bishop Swing revealed his timetable for the drafting and imple­mentation of this Charter: “In 1999 we want to have the charter finished. And we want to, in the year 2000, have it signed by 60 million people of the world.”

United Religions is officially scheduled to begin functioning as an organization on June 26, 2000. Significantly, its headquarters will be in San Francisco, at the Presidio—along with the Gorbachev Foundation.

Well-timed events are expected to give momentum to the United Religions Initiative. These include an interfaith conference in Budapest, Hungary, scheduled for March 24-26; Pope John Paul II’s trip to the Middle East to promote peace and religious unity (also in March); the “Millennium Summit of Religious Leaders” to convene in New York City on August 28 and 29; and the signing of a comprehensive Mid-East peace agreement in September.

The fact is New Age/interfaith advocates have big plans for next year. They would like to launch their New World Order with the start of the new millennium and have all the pieces in place for a complete global government and world religion no later than 2005. Will they meet their timetable?

The answer to this question is simple: “Only if God allows them to.” This leads us to the obvious question, “Will God allow the evil one to fulfill his end time purpose within this time­table? The answer: “Only God knows.”

Satan can plot and scheme all he wants, but in the end, nothing will happen until God allows it. Up to this point, the Lord has been very patient, giving us more time than we deserve to accept His Son and to repentantly follow Him. But we know according to Scripture that one day He will no longer restrain the evil one; He will permit events to unfold as foretold. When that time comes, things will fall into place rapidly. As the Bible says, “The end will come like a flood.” (Daniel 9:26)

Realizing the times that we are living in and that the hour could be late, what should we be doing as believers?

As Christians we should fervently engage ourselves in the Lord’s work, being obedient to His Word and to His call on our lives. This involves praying for and actively sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with those in our sphere of influence. Ask the Lord to give you a sincere burden for the souls of unsaved friends, neighbors, and family members. He has called you to present the good news to others, but if you haven’t acted on His prompting, do not delay! If you have not surrendered your all to God, this is the time to die to self in order that you might live effectively for Him.

As we enter the new millennium and face the challenges ahead, may we always remem­ber that our greatest hope is not of an earthly, but of an eternal nature. Regardless of what happens to us in this world, or how difficult times may become, if we place our full trust in Jesus and what He did on the cross, we will not be intimidated by the future. His complete peace will rest upon us. May this truth comfort and inspire you in the days ahead.

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” II Timothy 1:7
“In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.” Psalm 56:11

“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” Romans 8:38,39

For complete documentation and more information on this vital subject, you are encour­aged to obtain Gary Kah’s eye-opening new book The New World Religion (330 pages, including over 50 exhibits and 350 footnotes). Visit Gary Kah’s website at


Read Part 9

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