Fact a Day: April 6th

Knowing the Truth About the Resurrection (Harvest House, 1996) p. 12-13


How does the burial of Christ supply evidence for His resurrection?


The facts surrounding the burial of Christ give further proof that not only was Christ dead, but it would have been absolutely impossible for anyone to take the body. Even if Jesus had somehow survived crucifixion, the burial wrappings alone would have killed him. In John 19:38-42 (NIV), the apostle describes how Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus came and removed Jesus’ body from the cross and wrapped it in 75 pounds of linen and spices, according to Jewish custom. This meant Jesus’ body was literally encased in this material—something like an Egyptian mummy.

Further, the place where Jesus was buried was common knowledge. It had been observed by both Jesus’ friends and enemies (Matthew 27:61,66). Once Jesus was entombed, extraordinary procedures were undertaken to make certain that the body could not be moved or stolen. Jesus’ enemies were well aware of His prediction that He would resurrect from the dead on the third day. As far as they were concerned, the only manner in which this could come about would be if the disciples were to steal the body. Therefore, they wanted to be absolutely certain that no one could even approach the tomb. Matthew 27:62-66 reports what happened.