This series UFOs and Alien Abductions, features Dr. Hugh Ross, a professional astronomer who developed a fascination with astronomy and physics when he was seven years old, and he read four or five books on astronomy and physics every week. He built his own telescope by collecting beer bottles and saving money for a telescope mirror. At 16, the astronomy club in Vancouver made him the director of observations because of his knowledge. He identified many unidentified flying objects due to his familiarity with the night skies. As an undergraduate at the University of British Columbia, professors gave him all the UFO reports they received because he understood the night sky.
Although Dr. Ross did not set out to be an expert in the field of UFOs, he has spent much of his life studying this topic. Dr. Ankerberg and Dr. Ross will discuss various topics in this field and share how this relates to the Bible and what we believe as Christians.
UFOs and Alien Abductions

UFOS and Alien Abductions | Series Package
Millions of people around the world claim to have seen a UFO. Are they really from some far-off galaxy, or is there another explanation for what people see? In this two-part series, Dr. Ankerberg talks with astronomer Dr. Hugh Ross about UFOs and Alien Abductions. UFOs have been seen worldwide, and far back in human history. Therefore, it’s important to understand what’s behind this phenomenon.
This package includes Part 1 and Part 2 of this series with Dr. Hugh Ross (6 programs total) and the book written by Dr. Hugh Ross, Kenneth Sample, and Mark Clark, Lights in the Sky & Little Green Men, as well as our booklet UFOs and Alien Abductions: At a Glance.

Introducing “UFOs and Alien Abductions: At a Glance” – a must-have booklet for anyone seeking a comprehensive overview of the fascinating world of extraterrestrials, all from a Christian perspective. By delving into this concise and informative resource, readers will quickly gain a basic understanding of the key terms, theories, and conclusions surrounding UFOs and alien abductions. This booklet serves as a valuable guide to navigate through the vast array of information, offering clarity and insights into the intersection between the unexplained and the Christian worldview.

As a 100% donor-funded ministry, your non-restricted gift supports the entirety of ATRI's work including the broadcasting, expansion, and production of the John Ankerberg Show in the US and international markets. The John Ankerberg Show broadcasts to potentially 4.5 billion viewers in more than 200 countries and territories.