As we enter this new year, we are planning some wonderful events. Let me tell you a couple of things you may be interested in.
First, let me invite you on The Prophecy and End Times Cruise to Alaska this summer, June 28 through July 5, 2025. Darlene, Michelle, and I would love to have you come with us.
Our ship is Holland America’s luxurious Koningsdam, which will take us through the Inside Passage to charming ports such as Juneau and Ketchikan—historic destinations renowned for their scenery, delicious food, and friendly locals.
Think about waking up each day to the spectacular scenery of snow-capped mountains, magnificent glaciers, and amazing wildlife. Build lasting friendships with fellow Christians and grow spiritually as you listen to inspiring messages.
Now, who have I invited to be our speakers, and who have I invited to provide great music on our cruise? My guest speakers will be Pastor Gary Hamrick and Jeff Kinley.
Regarding our musical guests, I’ve invited “The Martins” (who were favorites at the Bill Gaither concerts), and Michael O’Brien (who originally was with the group NewSong), to be our musical guests on the cruise. They will provide us with some awe-inspiring spiritual music.
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I am also going to conduct some of our meetings on the cruise similar to how I do our TV programs, except we will start with music and then I will conduct biblical discussions on Prophecy & End Time Events with our two biblical scholars. On other days we will enjoy a full musical concert and enjoy our musical guests when we have a shorter time to meet.
Now let me tell you a little about our prophecy scholars. Gary Hamrick has been pastoring Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg, VA, (outside of Washington, D.C.) since 1991 when 18 charter members asked him to become the first pastor of this new, start-up church. Today, Cornerstone Chapel is the church home to several thousand weekly worshipers in-person, and several thousand more online. Gary is a great Bible preacher.
Jeff Kinley is a former pastor and bestselling author of 40 books. He is a recognized expert in the field of Bible Prophecy, and has been a featured guest on Fox & Friends, The Glenn Beck Show, The Ben Shapiro Show, and hundreds of radio and television programs. His articles and interviews have also been featured in The Huffington Post, The Washington Post, and The Jerusalem Post. Jeff was also one of my guests on our John Ankerberg television program last year.
Does this Alaska Cruise sound like something you would like to do this summer? Then why not plan to come with us on this cruise to Alaska?
To book your trip now and choose your cabin, call (888) 600-3370 or click here to visit the website. The dates again are June 28 through July 5, 2025.
Second, what are we airing on our television program that goes around the world this month? Before this program airs, I would like to ask you to invite a non-Christian friend to watch the program with you. Why?
Because I’ve invited one of our most popular guests, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, who was pastor of the historic Moody Church in Chicago for 36 years, to answer the crucial question, “How Can You Be Sure That You Will Spend Eternity with God?”
Most people are not certain where they will go when they die. In this series of programs Dr. Lutzer will provide a very clear presentation of the gospel and how someone can know for sure they will go to heaven. For the DVDs of our 6 programs and Dr. Lutzer’s bestselling book, click here.
Third, let me say thank you for all you did last month. Do you know that right now, while we are living, there are 1.2 billion people in our world who have never heard about Jesus and never had a Bible in their own language? It’s true.
But last month many of you obeyed an important command Jesus gave to all of us as Christians when He said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature”… “Go and make disciples of all the nations….”
Many of you wanted to obey Jesus, and I want to thank you for giving so generously to help us reach so many people and give them Audio Bibles. Next month I’ll tell you the number of people your gifts have helped us reach. But even before they get their Bibles, please pray that when they listen, they will accept Jesus into their lives.
I want to thank you for your prayers and gifts for the Ministry. We have taped some very important programs that I’ll tell you about in our next letter. It has to do with how our entire American culture has shifted. Did you know that, according to MedicineNet, there are now 72 different genders besides male and female? It’s true.
Why so many? What are the principles of today’s new philosophy? Most of our people over 35 years of age are not aware of the ideas that are being taught in our public schools. I want parents to know what 40 to 50 percent of all public schools are teaching our children. I want you to know so that you can protect your own children. This is important information. That’s why the ministry needs your prayers.
Also, please continue to pray for our television programs that are airing in the three war zones in our world. They are Ukraine, Russia, and Israel. We need your continued support to present the gospel on television to people in these areas.
If you have a need, please let us know so we can pray for you.
Till everyone hears,
John and Darlene
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