Order your copy of Did Jesus Literally Rise
From The Dead?

The Twelve Undeniable Facts About the Resurrection

These 12 undeniable facts are statements about the resurrection that are agreed upon by historical scholars, secular and Christian alike.

  • Jesus died by crucifixion

  • He was buried

  • His death caused the disciples to despair and lose hope

  • The tomb was empty (the most contested)

  • The disciples had experiences which they believed were literal appearances of the risen Jesus (the most important proof)

  • The disciples were transformed from doubters to bold proclaimers

  • The resurrection was the central message

  • They preached the message of Jesus’ resurrection in Jerusalem

  • The Church was born and grew

  • Orthodox Jews who believed in Christ made Sunday their primary day of worship

  • James was converted to the faith when he saw the resurrected Jesus (James was a family skeptic)

  • Paul was converted to the faith (Paul was an outsider skeptic)


"If the resurrection did not take place, our faith is meaningless."

In our series, “Did Jesus Literally Rise from the Dead?”, Dr. Gary Habermas, the world’s foremost authority on the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus, discusses his research featuring the strongest evidence in defense of the faith. He shares 12 key historical facts accepted about Jesus, including the crucifixion, death, empty tomb, and early growth of Christianity. This is evidence from within the first five years after the resurrection that supports the teachings of the New Testament regarding Jesus.

When Were the Gospels Written? (and Why It Matters)

By: Dr. Dillon Burroughs

Take a look at what's in the series,

Did Jesus Literally Rise from the Dead?

Who is Dr. Gary Habermas?

Dr. Gary Habermas is a distinguished research professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Theology at Liberty University. He has spent the last 40 years following the research and writings of 4,000 leading New Testament scholars and tracking their research and beliefs. He has found that the historical evidence for the events surrounding the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus have become so established that virtually every scholar concedes certain facts.

With Dr. Habermas’ easy-to-understand approach, this DVD series is like watching your favorite college professor explaining the facts you need to better defend your faith. As the world’s leading expert on the evidence for the resurrection, he is extremely knowledgeable, yet explains the facts in an attainable way.



Did Jesus Literally Rise from the Dead?
Evidence for the Resurrection


Learn more about the 12 Historical Facts of the Resurrection in our series Did Jesus Literally Rise from the Dead? with Dr. Gary Habermas.  Also, included in the package is our classic series  Evidence for the Resurrection with Dr. Habermas which details how you can know that the Jesus of history is the same Jesus of our Christian faith!



Did Jesus Literally Rise from the Dead?

In our 5 program series, we discuss the 12 Historical Facts of the Resurrection.

In addition, we detail the discoveries regarding Pre-Pauline sources. This is evidence from within the first five years of the resurrection that supports the teachings of the New Testament regarding Jesus.


As a 100% donor-funded ministry, your non-restricted gift supports the entirety of ATRI's work including the broadcasting, expansion, and production of the John Ankerberg Show in the US and international markets. The John Ankerberg Show broadcasts to potentially 4.5 billion viewers in more than 200 countries and territories.