Do you have that one friend or relative who always needs just one—or two or three or…—more strings of lights for the tree? Well, the rest of us may shake our heads in disbelief at some point, but we can’t get away from the fact that Christmas lights on the Christmas tree, or on and…
The Christian faith was not the invention of disciples, the Apostle Paul or the Council of Nicea in the 4th century. It was not invented by men for whatever reason. It is not simply a result of the cultural evolution of the Jewish people, nor a reinvention of the Ancient Mystery Religions. By whatever means,…
Excerpted from our series “The Historical Evidence for the Resurrection Even the Skeptics Believe” with Dr. Gary Habermas Dr. John Ankerberg: In 2000 you and I had a debate with the world’s foremost philosophical theist, Dr. Antony Flew. For 40 years he was the world’s foremost atheist. And I had you present 12 historical facts. …
Excerpted from our series “The Historical Evidence for the Resurrection Even the Skeptics Believe” with Dr. Gary Habermas Dr. John Ankerberg: Talk about the minimal facts about the resurrection we find in the New Testament. Where do you start? Dr. Gary Habermas: Well, if I’m going to count them, I’m going to say (1) Jesus…
God accomplishes His plans and promises perfectly, precisely, and without compromise. As we follow the steps of Jesus to His cross, things become more violent, and the flesh responds with increasing anger. It may feel like things are out of control, but we can have confidence that God is in control. He does not need…
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