IV. The Doctrine of the Trinity A. Introduction. The word “trinity” is not found in the Scriptures, but the teaching is there. The fact of the Three Persons of the Godhead cannot be explained away. On the one hand, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are mentioned as distinct Persons with equal attributes; at the same time,…
Contents III. The Attributes of God. To answer the question, “What is God like?” the Bible ascribes certain characteristics, or “perfections” to God. These attributes give a reasonable identification of God. A. Attributes of Personality.1. Intellect, or Omniscience: All-knowledge. He knows everything completely; it is not limited nor increased in any measure. Three terms are…
Contents I.Inspiration of Scripture While the revelation of God may come in visions, dreams and direct speech, inspiration is concerned with securing the infallibility of the revelation and placing it in written form. Therefore there is much more revealed than has been written. The Latin word inspirare means “to breathe in.” The Greek word theopneustos…
By: Dr. John G. Weldon; ©2013 In the most essential areas of life, truth included, the religions of China are compared with the person of Jesus. Contents 1 The Religions of China and the Power of Jesus 1.1 Introduction: Religion in China 1.2 Confucius and Truth – an Unexpected Dilemma? 1.3 The Uncompromising Nature of…
PROGRAM 4 OF THE SERIES, “HOW TO WITNESS TO A JEHOVAH’S WITNESS” Ankerberg: We’re doing a program with former Jehovah’s Witnesses: the man who used to answer the questions at the Watchtower Society and then came to know Jesus Christ much differently than what he had been brought up with all of his life; and…
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