When we quote what the Bible says about itself, we’re not using the Bible to prove the Bible, we’re simply saying, “What does the Bible claim for itself?? It’s like asking me, “Who are you?” And I say, “My name is Norman Geisler. I live in Charlotte, North Carolina.” You could verify whether that’s true.…
Just for curiosity, I was reading several articles about imago Dei, the “image of God.” It has long been debated what God actually meant when He said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…” (Genesis 1:26). What does Made in God’s image mean? The conclusion I was forced to come to is…
Is the Bible the word of God? Or is it the words of men? The Bible claims to be the Word of God and the Bible proves to be the Word of God. We’re going to show how this is the only book in the world that really claims to be, and proves to be,…
Every year thousands, perhaps millions, of Christians resolve to read their Bibles through in the coming year. And if you are like me, you do okay until you get to around Leviticus or Numbers. At that point you get bogged down in all the seemingly endless rules and regulations (I mean, who needs to know…
Every Christmas for many years, Paul Harvey would retell the parable of the Man and the Birds.[1] In brief, it involved a man who saw a flock of birds in distress on a cold snowy morning. He tried to get them to go into a nearby barn for shelter, but they would not go. He…
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