In program 1 of Pandemics, Plagues, and Natural Disasters: What is God Saying to Us? Dr. John Ankerberg interviews Dr. Erwin Lutzer regarding the many ways the Covid-19 crisis has changed our world—and how God is working through it. Some claim the pandemic is a judgment from God. Others suggest God seems to be uninvolved…
“Give us this day our daily bread.” The first thing we naturally think of is God’s provision of the daily manna for His people in the wilderness. No doubt you remember the story in Exodus 16. God told Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each…
[Author’s note: While writing the article on “Thy will be done,” I struggled to keep the focus on God’s will, rather than “God’s will for me.” Several of the books I am reading while writing this series seem to entwine the two thoughts. So, since that topic is clearly important to many believers, it seemed…
The first and short answer to the title question is no. In fact, the Bible tells us that God loves us (1 John 4:19). More on that later. But I’m guessing that even in human terms, we don’t say we “love” something that we are indifferent toward, right? (Okay, I’m thinking in terms of we…
The Lord’s Prayer has been repeated hundreds, if not thousands of times throughout the lifetime of many Christians. But, if you’re anything like me, you haven’t spent much time really thinking about what you are saying. So over the next few months I’m going to take a journey of discovery, and drag you along with…
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