Many UFO sightings can be easily dismissed as mistakenly identified planets, rocket launchings, weather balloons, and various atmospheric phenomena. Sometimes, however, sightings cannot be so easily explained. Indeed, the Air Force’s Project Blue Book could not provide a rationale for 700 out of 12,600 cases of sightings between 1947 and 1969, when the project was…
UFOs are reported to appear seemingly out of nowhere, travel at phenomenal speeds across the sky, turn at impossible angles, and disappear without a trace. Given this, UFOs are scientifically very hard to explain. One researcher commented that “it is literally impossible to understand them within the space-time framework we use to interpret ordinary events.”[1]…
SETI: The Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence. Is there life on other planets? SETI stands for “Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence.” This organization seeks to detect evidence of technological civilizations that may exist on planets orbiting other stars. Potentially, it is suggested, there are billions of locations outside our solar system that may contain life. It is…
The question as to whether there is extraterrestrial life in the universe has been debated from the beginning of recorded history. There are even records from the fifth century before Christ indicating man’s interest in the subject.[1] Democritus (460-370 BC), Epicurus (341-270 BC), and Lucretius (98-54 BC), for example, believed there were other worlds inhabited…
Are UFOs Mention in the Bible? The suggestion that UFOs are in the Bible is preposterous. In every case discussed above [see Part 1], UFOlogists are reading their own meanings into the biblical text (eisegesis) rather than drawing their meanings from the biblical text (exegesis). Here is an interpretive principle you can bank on: When…
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