In his book Affirming the Apostles’ Creed, J.I. Packer poses this intriguing question: “Suppose that Jesus, having died on the cross, had stayed dead. Suppose that, like Socrates or Confucius, he was now no more than a beautiful memory. Would it matter?
“He descended into hell.” This phrase from the Apostles’ Creed is the subject of much debate. Some say it should never have been included, and others say it’s an important part of the Creed. Since there are highly respected scholars on both sides, I am reluctant to take a firm stand. Thus I shall attempt…
The next word we will look at in the Apostles’ Creed is “buried.” Why is this word singled out in a list of early Christian beliefs?
Did Jesus die? Of the reality of the death, there is abundant evidence. It is recorded that, after six hours of suffering on the cross, Jesus gave up the ghost. The soldiers did not break His legs as they did in the case of the malefactors, because they saw and pronounced Him dead already; but…
What role does the suffering of Jesus Christ play in the history of salvation? Was it predicted by Isaiah in the Old Testament?
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