The first four words of the Apostles’ Creed, “I believe in God,” contain nothing that makes Christianity different from most other religions. In fact, even demons would have no issue with them: “You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble” (James 2:19).
It should be clear with even the most casual read that the Apostles’ Creed…
It should be clear with even the most casual read that the Apostles’ Creed uses the Trinitarian view of God—that the one God exists in three Persons[1]—as its framework.
Oh, boy! How many have heard that “explanation” of the trinitarian nature of God? Yes, I see all those hands. Okay, now here’s the real question: How many of you understand what that means? That’s what I thought. Not a single hand – well, one or two tentative not-quite-shoulder-high hands at best. So, let’s try…
God is our perfect heavenly Father. His wisdom regarding fatherhood offer tremendous help for today’s fathers. Scripture offers four clear ways fathers impact the lives of their children. Wisdom: A Godly Father Instructs Scripture offers much information regarding the role a father provides in giving wisdom to his children. Proverbs 1:8 notes, “Listen, my son,…
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