When Jesus was crucified, all hope should have been lost. It was al necessary for God’s plan to come full circle.
Let’s acknowledge right from the start that the virgin birth of Jesus is a difficult doctrine to wrap your mind around. After all, how many virgins do you know who have ever gotten pregnant – while retaining their virginity?
At first glance, this line in the Apostles’ Creed may seem fairly insignificant. It’s only two words which could easily be lost or overlooked. But that would be a huge mistake: “and in Jesus Christ, His only son, our Lord….” There is a wealth of information in those words “our Lord.” “Lord” is the English word…
Who is Jesus? That topic has occupied men’s minds for 2,000 plus years. Thousands upon thousands of books have been written to explore the subject. Even the apostle John was overwhelmed by the reality of Jesus. He wrote, “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose…
Jesus Christ. First, it should be mentioned that “Christ” is not Jesus’ surname. He was not, as one author put it, “Jesus Christ, the son of Joseph and Mary Christ.”[1] No, Christ is a title, or a “designation of office.”[2] The word Christ is translated from the Greek (Christos). The same word in Hebrew is mashiach, from…
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