Does God Exist? If we want to show that God exists and that He is the God of the Bible, then we need to show that all of the things in the arguments [last two articles] mentioned are true. Each one contributes something to our knowledge of God and, taken together, they form a picture…
The existence of a personal moral God is fundamental to all that Christians believe. If there is no moral God, there is no moral being against whom we have sinned; therefore, salvation is not needed. Furthermore, if there is no God, there could be no acts of God (miracles), and the stories of Jesus can…
I. Is There an All-Perfect God? What Kind of Life is This? Until the premature death of his son from progeria (rapid aging), Rabbi Harold Kushner believed, as many do, that God was all-good and all-powerful. This tragic death caused a reexamination of these traditional beliefs and resulted in a best selling book When Bad…
The Peace of God: What has God provided in Christ to take away our guilt and to give us peace? Many Christians go about their daily lives feeling as if they are carrying the whole world on their shoulder without the peace of God. They seem to be surrounded by troubles that make them sad…
I suppose there’s really only a few thousand well-organized individuals out of the 315 million in America and seven billion globally that actually really hate Christmas and what it stands for—but what an impact they seem to be having throughout the culture—as everything relating to Christmas, Jesus Christ and God Himself is increasingly tossed away…
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