Easter celebrates the resurrection on Sunday morning, the third day following the death of Jesus. No one saw Jesus being resurrected, but Acts 1:3 teaches, “After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about…
Why Do We Celebrate Easter? We celebrate Easter because it commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus was killed by crucifixion on a Friday and then actually came back to life on the following Sunday. Some may ask, “So what?” Why is it important that Jesus rose from the dead? There are many answers to…
Introduction There are two major views with regard to the time involved in Creation: the old-earth view and the young-earth view. The latter believes the universe is no more than approximately 15,000 years old, while the former holds that it is probably about 13.7 billion years old. Young-earthers take the “days” of Creation to be…
Question: Do the Wise Men Belong in a Nativity Scene? My pastor says that it is “inappropriate” for the Wise Men to be included in our living nativity scene. That really bothers me, as we have always included them even when we had Christmas plays at church. Even the nativity scene which I put on…
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