By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2003 Those who object to a Christian message in movies, or in the newspaper, might need to check their own biases. Contents 1 Beware the Bigoted…
By: Dave Hunt; ©2003 If, as many occultists claim we are gods who have simply forgotten our identity, what good will it do us to remember? Aren’t we likely to…
By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2003 Dr. Baehr reports that the writers and directors of the movie Sinbad: The Legend of the Seven Seas deliberately included some wonderful moral lessons for…
By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2003 This documentary, distributed by American Opinion Book Services, exposes our need for discernment when it comes to news reporting. Contents 1 Behind the Big News…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon; ©2003 A worldwide occult revival is mushrooming in obvious and less obvious guises. Even the military and some major corporations are turning…
By: Dave Hunt; ©2003 The belief that someone can create their own universe, or their own reality, within their own mind presents some serious problems for adherents. Nonetheless, many voices…
By: Dave Hunt; ©2003 The serpent in the Garden of Eden promised Adam and Eve they could be like God. Mormons are taught that they can BE gods. Is there…
By: Dave Hunt; ©2003 It’s the same old lie that’s been around since the Garden: “Ye shall be as gods.” Only now the message is “you can be gods.” What’s…
By: Dave Hunt; ©2003 Human ambition and desire have no limit. Those who believe in God try to usurp His power as their own, or to persuade Him to dispense…
By: Carl Teichrib; ©2003 Fundamental Christians are to blame. We are the cause of untold suffering and mass death. We are the force behind the environmental crisis. We are the…