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When others disagree

Featuring Jeff Kinley

Many Christians have different ideas of when events such as the rapture will take place. Is there a kind biblical way you can deal with such disagreements?


When we bring a guest into our studio, we usually speak with them about a specific topic—some area in which they have established expertise or a particular passion. But there’s more to their story. In this new series hosted by Michelle Ankerberg and Jeff Pallansch, you’ll get to know our guests better as they chat about their salvation story, their own faith journey, and perhaps a glimpse into their plans for the future.  Because there’s More To The Story.



Michelle graduated with a BS degree in Communications from Bob Jones University in May 2000. She joined the staff of the John Ankerberg Show in May 2000, but that just formalized a working relationship with the Show that began when she was very, very young.

Currently she is Supervisor of Customer Service and Shipping. In that position, she oversees all orders that come in and products that are shipped out. She is also involved in making decisions with any of the print material that goes out.

In addition to her hosting duties with “More To The Story,” Michelle hosts her own radio podcast called “A Moment with Michelle.”

In her spare time, Michelle enjoys playing the piano, swimming, playing tennis, and traveling.

Fun Fact:

When we asked her to relate a memory about her co-host Jeff, who is also her cousin, she told us: “One of the memories I have with Jeff is when we took a trip to India with my parents. In India, when we went sightseeing all the kids came up and wanted a selfie with us because Jeff is over 6 feet tall and looked like some professional athlete. We also both have blonde hair. We’re pretty sure our pictures are all around Delhi in India because of those selfies!”



Jeff attended Briercrest College in Canada, where he earned a BA in Biblical Studies. He later earned an MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

Jeff is married to Michelle (yes, same name as his cousin!), and they have two young children.

Jeff came on staff of the John Ankerberg Show in 2017. In addition to co-hosting “More To The Story,” he helps prepare and edit programs, and had a big role in developing the Discipleship Course, “Follow Me,” which is available free at the website, He also writes articles for the website and tackles theological questions that viewers submit.

In his spare time, Jeff enjoys making pizza, hiking, camping, and playing with his children.

When we asked him to share a memory with his cousin and co-host Michelle, he related this story:

Fun Fact:

“Since I was a kid, the favorite part of my summer has been going on vacation with my extended family. We have long had the yearly tradition of our three families packing into a rented house by the beach. Up until I got married, this entailed my cousin Ryan and I sleeping on the couch or cushions from the patio chairs outside. And being the younger siblings that we were, we would often go bug Michelle and our sisters late at night when we couldn't sleep. Some nights we would attack them with rolled up socks. Other nights, we would just stay up and talk. 

“We as cousins had a blast floating in the ocean, riding bikes, and going out for ice cream together at night. For us, vacation was a time to truly laugh, catch up, and come alongside each other in life's difficulties.

Playlists by Series

The Faith Journey of Morgan Jackson

featuring Morgan Jackson of Faith Comes By Hearing

Morgan Jackson is passionate about God’s Word and getting it to people across the world in a way they understand. He serves as Senior Vice President of Faith Comes By Hearing, where he’s worked for decades with partners to record Audio Bibles in the languages of the world. In this segment Morgan explains how God took his carefully planned life and turned it upside down, taking him from doing business in Arizona to living by faith in Albuquerque New Mexico.

Equipping the Next Generation with the Truth

featuring Anne Graham Lotz and her daughter, Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright

Drawing from their own experiences, Anne Graham Lotz and her daughter, Rachel Ruth Lotz Wright, relate first how they received the message of the gospel from their own parents, then give valuable information for those who want to pass that faith along to their own children or others within their sphere of influence.

Going Behind the Story with Dr. Stephen Meyer

Stephen Meyer is more than just a scientist. In this series you will go behind the degrees to get a glimpse of the man. You’ll learn about some of the events that shaped his own ideas about the origin of life. You’ll find out what he is doing to solidify the case for the Intelligent Designer behind the origin of the universe. Because there’s always More To The Story.

featuring Dr. Stephen Meyer

Getting to Know John and Darlene Ankerberg

Featuring John & Darlene Ankerberg

Michelle and Jeff put the Ankerbergs on the hot seat to talk about their faith, their courtship, and their lives together. They discuss their first steps in the faith, how they met, the courtship, wedding, and reflect on 50 years serving the Lord together in this candid interview

One-On-One with Dr. Hugh Ross

Featuring Dr. Hugh Ross

Jeff and Michelle sit down one on one to learn more about Dr. Hugh Ross, what led him to a life-long study of astronomy, and his ongoing interest in the evidence for God found in the skies.

Spending Time with Dr. Erwin Lutzer

Featuring Dr. Erwin Lutzer

Dr. Erwin Lutzer talks about his parents, his conversion, some of the chief influences in his life, his time at Moody Church, and how to reach the next generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Behind the Prophecy Scholars

Featuring Dr. Ron Rhodes, Dr. Mark Hitchock, & Jeff Kinley

Michelle and Jeff sit down individually with Dr. Ron Rhodes, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, and Jeff Kinley to find out more about these scholars and what led them to a lifetime of teaching Christians.

Just Listen

In this series Morgan Jackson updates us on efforts to have the Bible translated into every language by the year 2033. Because only as we listen to God’s Word and the Holy Spirit to speak to us through it will our hearts and our lives be changed.

Featuring Morgan Jackson

Demystifying UFOs

Many people around the world claim they have seen a UFO. What are these UFOs, and is there any reason to be concerned? Our guest, Dr. Hugh Ross, says yes. In fact, he says there is a real, and dangerous, power behind them. But he also explains that not all UFOs are “unidentified,” and many of them are not “flying objects.” So what are they?

Featuring Dr. Hugh Ross

Conference interviews

NRB Conference 2022

featuring various guests

Every year, the National Religious Broadcasting (NRB) convention meets in early March. This year, we took our crew along to meet with some of our favorite friends of the show so that you can hear from people you may not otherwise know.