John is going to show us that how we live reveals who we’re living for. He points out the birthmarks of a true Christian so that we can be certain…
1 John 2:7–14 ESV Beloved, I am writing you no new commandment, but an old commandment that you had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word that you…
Let’s start with the last verse of this chapter in order to understand why the account of Thomas is so important in the book of John. John 20:30, “Jesus performed…
As I mentioned on Friday, we want you to “Get in the Game” in 2014. Learn how to get started by watching my sermon from Sunday. Why are we looking…
Learn how to get started with the Growing Up Challenge by watching my sermon from Sunday. Punctuation marks are important. Moreover, correct punctuation is essential. In the wrong place, such…
Haven’t Signed up for the Growing Up Challenge? It’s Not too Late. Sign up Now! Our church is experiencing a revival. There is more excitement about discipleship and growing closer…
As we conclude the Growing Up Challenge series, we examine what you miss out on by not making disciples. Sign up for the Growing Up Challenge. It was the summer…
We are continuing our series on 1 John called Reality Check. Did you know that there is a difference between these terms waiting for Christ and watching for Christ? Let…
Help wanted ads are always in the paper. They begin with a description of the job, summarize what the boss is looking for in an employee, give an overview of…
The message of the gospel is simple: God so loved the world that He gave his only Son. The emphasis is His love. 1 John 3:11–24, For this is the…