Contents Introductory (Prolegomena, from pro-lego, “Things said before”) Since “the beginning of understanding rests upon precise definitions,” it is necessary to define what is to be discussed. I.Definitions A. Theology…
By: Dr. John McArthur, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Dr. D. James Kennedy; ©1995 Is there more than one way that someone can become a believer? Is baptism necessary or sufficient for…
By: Dr. John McArthur, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Dr. D. James Kennedy; ©1995 What are the core doctrines that you must believe to be biblically accepted as a Christian? Contents 1…
By: Dr. John McArthur, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Dr. D. James Kennedy; ©1995 Should Evangelicals and Catholics refrain from evangelizing each other? Aren’t members of both equally true Christians? Contents 1…
By: Dr. John McArthur, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Dr. D. James Kennedy; ©1995 Can Evangelicals and Catholics work together to address issues such as abortion and pornography? Contents 1 Evangelicals and…
By: Dr. John McArthur, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Dr. D. James Kennedy; ©1995 Should Evangelicals and Catholics ignore their doctrinal differences and work together toward world evangelism? Contents 1 Evangelicals and…
By: Dr. John G. Weldon; ©2013 In the most essential areas of life, truth included, the religions of China are compared with the person of Jesus. Contents 1 The Religions…
By: Marvin Cowan; ©2013 Mormon leaders claim the Bible has been corrupted and mistranslated so that it is not as reliable as their latter-day revelations. The oldest Bible manuscripts are…
By: Dr. John G. Weldon; ©2014 Skeptics and others often claim that the Bible teaches slavery. However Old Testament provisional acceptance of slavery is not the same as active endorsement,…
By: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung; ©2008 Dr. Tim LaHaye makes an important point in his book Are We Living in the End Times? He writes that when people have taken prophecy…