By: Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, John K. Naland; ©1989 Since nearly all we know about Jesus’ resurrection comes from the New Testament, we start our discussion by examining these documents…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg; ©1994 The Bible predicts a time of terrible trouble that will come upon the earth in the future. Do Christians have any hope that they will…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg; ©1994 TMore than a quarter of the Bible is prophetic material, so God intended Christians to take it seriously. What does the Bible say about the…
By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©1993 The position you hold regarding end time events affects how you interpret many passages of Scripture. What difference does it make? Contents The Consequences of…
By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©1993 Why does the premillennial view of history best fit what the New Testament says about end time events? Contents The Premillennial View in the New…
By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©1993 Why do we believe the premillennial view fits the prophecies in the Old Testament? Contents The Evidence for the Premillennial View from the Old Testament…
By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©1993 There are three prominent views outlining the big picture of end-time events: the premillennial view, the amillennial view and the postmillennial view. Contents The Big…
By: Dr. D. James Kennedy, Mr. John Buchanan; ©1984 How far should the government go in deciding moral issues? What standard should a government use to decide if something is…
By: Dr. D. James Kennedy, Mr. John Buchanan; ©1984 How involved should Christian leaders be in educating voters about the candidates stand on certain issues? What is appropriate for them…
By: Dr. D. James Kennedy, Mr. John Buchanan; ©1984 Why would some claim that a pro-family agenda could actually harm America? What do they see as the dangers of promoting…