By: Lee Strobel; ©2007 If You Can’t Trust the Bible… Contents 1 Introduction Introduction Announcer: For 13 years Lee Strobel was the legal editor of the Chicago Tribune and an…
By: Dr. Erwin Lutzer; ©2005 Dan Brown, through the novel is talking about goddess worship as being the original message; and that was being suppressed by the church. What Is…
By: Steve Arterburn, Shannon Ethridge, Fred Stoeker; ©2007 Pornography is hardly harmless. Listen as our guests explain how pornography led them into harmful behaviors. Contents 1 Introduction Introduction Today on…
By: Dr. John Warwick Montgomery; ©1988 Historical evidence, scientific evidence, evidence from just everyday reason, that will bring you to a conclusion that, namely, that He (Jesus) is God; He…
By: Dr. Frank Wright, Janet Parshall, Craig Parshall; ©2008 Is it really true that those who oppose abortion have no right to impose their values on others? Is there scientific…
By: Dr. Darrell Bock; ©2000 Can we all own a little bit of Jesus, and disagree in the end on who He is? Contents 1 Introduction Introduction Today on The…
By: Dr. David Jeremiah; ©2011 In these three programs, you’ll hear the research behind the fall of the American economy and why the nation’s current progression will lead to disaster.…
By: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung; ©2010 Daniel predicted a 10-nation alliance, possible a revived Roman Empire that will play a major role in end-time events. He also names other nations –…
Introduction Today we invite you to hear a debate between one of the world’s foremost philosophical atheists, Dr. Antony Flew, former professor at Oxford University, and Christian philosopher and historian…