The John Ankerberg Show

The Coming Economic Crisis/Program 2

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

By: Dr. David Jeremiah; ©2011 The Bible predicts the rise of a future, global government that will be led by a single leader called the Antichrist. As economic concerns grow,…

The Battle to Discredit the Bible/Program 2

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

By: Dr. Darrell Bock, Dr. Daniel B. Wallace; ©2007 Since we don’t have any of the original writings, how can we possibly know if the Bible we have is even…

Evidence for the Historical Jesus -Is the Jesus of History the Jesus of Faith?/Program 1

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

By: Dr. Gary Habermas; ©2000 What mainstream scholarship thinks about the conclusions of the Jesus Seminar. Contents 1 Introduction Introduction Dr. John Ankerberg: The search for the historical Jesus is…

Response to the Lost Tomb of Jesus/Program 2

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

By: Dr. Darrell Bock; ©2007 What evidence causes problems for those who claim this is Jesus’ family tomb? Contents 1 Introduction Introduction On Sunday, March 4, 2007, a television special…

Our Nation at the Crossroads: Is God on America’s Side?/Program 4

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

By: Dr. Richard Land, Dr. Erwin Lutzer; ©2008 Does America have a particular purpose in God’s plan for the world? How can we know what that purpose is and what…

Why Sharia Law Threatens Freedom and Human Rights?/Program 1

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

Ed. Note: Unless otherwise indicated, footnoted Qur’an quotes are from the Yusef Ali transition, and Hadith quotes are from Bukhari’s Hadith. By: Dr. Ergun Caner, Dr. Emir Caner; ©2013 Sharia…

How You Can Know the Bible is the Word of God?/Program 4

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

Editor’s Note: The charts in this transcript were provided by Dr. Geisler, and are used by permission. By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©2000 How Do We Know Which Books Belong in…

Our Nation at the Crossroads: Is God on America’s Side?/Program 6

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

By: Dr. Richard Land, Dr. Erwin Lutzer; ©2008 How involved should the state be in the affairs of the church? Are there clear guidelines in our nation’s documents that answer…

How You Can Know the Bible is the Word of God?/Program 3

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

Editor’s Note: The charts in this transcript were provided by Dr. Geisler, and are used by permission. By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©2000 Our topic is: “Can We Trust the Bible?”…

The Challenge Facing Every Man/Program 2

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

By: Steve Arterburn, Shannon Ethridge, Fred Stoeker; ©2007 Is it really possible for someone to keep their sexuality separate from the rest of their life? Why is it especially important…