Excepted from our series “The New Scientific Evidence that Points to the Existence of God – Part 1.” Edited for publication. See our store at jashow.org to order this entire…
Excepted from our series “The New Scientific Evidence that Points to the Existence of God – Part 1.” Edited for publication. See our store at jashow.org to order this entire…
In this article, Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. Stephen Meyer discuss Gene Regulatory Networks vs. Darwin’s Theory. Dr. John Ankerberg: In a previous article we talked about body plans, but…
In this blog, we’ll answer the question: Does the Abrupt Appearance of Animal Body Plans Match the Darwinian Evolutionary Model? Does the Abrupt Appearance of Animal Body Plans Match the…
Dr. John Ankerberg: We are going to show you a clip that talks about the origin of body plans. This is fascinating. Watch this. Narrator: In 1831, three months after…
Dr. John Ankerberg: Dr. Meyer, we’re glad that you are here. And today I want to begin by showing a clip from Illustra Media’s beautiful documentary movie, Darwin’s Dilemma, which…
Dr. John Ankerberg: In this clip we’re going to show that the body plan for an animal does not reside in DNA. So where is the information of each animal…
Dr. John Ankerberg: This next clip explains why Darwin’s theory of natural selection and random mutation cannot account for what is needed to build a Cambrian animal. Folks, I want…
Dr. John Ankerberg: Dr. Meyer, we’re glad you are here. Today I want to begin with a clip from Illustra Media’s beautiful documentary movie, Darwin’s Dilemma, which asks, “How could…
Dr. Stephen Meyer is a former geophysicist who received his PhD in the Philosophy of Science from Cambridge University. He has written several bestselling books including, Signature in the Cell…