Dr. Wayne Barber

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 16

By Dr. Wayne Barber / September 30, 2007

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 If you tell somebody to put their faith into the Lord Jesus Christ, what do you mean? What do we mean by “faith”? The answer…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 53

By Dr. Wayne Barber / September 30, 2007

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Our first responsibility, according to Dr. Barber, is a conscious and consistent presentation of our body to Christ. How do we go about accomplishing that?…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 27

By Dr. Wayne Barber / September 30, 2007

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Our new life in Christ means a whole new way of life—one with eternal rewards. Dr. Barber explains what is involved. Audio Version Previous Article…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 31

By Dr. Wayne Barber / September 27, 2007

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 In Romans chapter 9 Paul takes us from the valley of despair and defeat of trying to live under the law, to the heights of…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 75

By Dr. Wayne Barber / September 27, 2007

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 If you’ve ever seen how different individuals fit in the body of Christ and how God works through each and every one of them to…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 79

By Dr. Wayne Barber / September 27, 2007

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 In these verses, Paul in closing his letter, warns that there are going to be those who are going to come in and try and…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 82

By Dr. Wayne Barber / September 27, 2007

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Well, we have finally come to the last installment of Dr. Barber’s teaching on Romans. He ends with a discussion of the power of the…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 24

By Dr. Wayne Barber / September 27, 2007

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 When a man comes to understand why he is what he is and where it came from, his whole perspective on sin changes. When he…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 20

By Dr. Wayne Barber / September 27, 2007

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 The reason why every person needs to be justified by faith boils down to one simple fact: every person is a sinner. How did we…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 7

By Dr. Wayne Barber / September 27, 2007

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 The Gentiles in Rome were sinners. No one questioned that. Paul describes them as being “ungodly” and “unrighteous.” The problem came in convincing the Jews…