Why Is It Wrong for Christians to Predict When Christ Will Return to Earth? Biblical prophecy and eschatology are both fascinating and spiritually encouraging subjects, as any Christian who has…
By: Dr. Renald Showers, Dr. Paul Feinberg, Dr. Earl Radmacher, Dr. John Feinberg; ©1995 According to our scholars, the rapture is when Christ comes for his saints, and the Second…
By: Dr. Renald Showers, Dr. Paul Feinberg, Dr. Earl Radmacher, Dr. John Feinberg; ©1995 Can we automatically assume from the Bible’s description of the tribulation time that Christians will be…
By: Dr. Renald Showers, Dr. Paul Feinberg, Dr. Earl Radmacher, Dr. John Feinberg; ©1995 The Bible describes many terrible things that will happen to the earth and those left behind…
By: Dr. Renald Showers, Dr. Paul Feinberg, Dr. Earl Radmacher, Dr. John Feinberg; ©1995 Many critics say that the rapture is never actually mentioned in the Bible. So where do…
By: Dr. Renald Showers, Dr. Paul Feinberg, Dr. Earl Radmacher, Dr. John Feinberg; ©1995 God’s judgment will fall on the earth during a seven year time of unprecedented trouble. But…
By: Dr. Renald Showers, Dr. Paul Feinberg, Dr. Earl Radmacher, Dr. John Feinberg; ©1995 Every generation since the time of Jesus has expected his return during their lifetime. Do we…
By: Dr. Renald Showers, Dr. Paul Feinberg, Dr. Earl Radmacher, Dr. John Feinberg; ©1995 What does the Bible teach us about the rapture? What is the rapture? Contents 1 The…
By: Dr. Renald Showers, Dr. Paul Feinberg, Dr. Earl Radmacher, Dr. John Feinberg; ©1995 Jesus has said that the time of tribulation will be the worst the word has even…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Zola Levitt, Dr. Randy Price, Peter LeLonde, Dr. Dave Breese; ©1995 The panel answers audience questions, including what role the United States will play in…