Old Testament Archive

The Election of Israel

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 1999

By: Dr. William Varner; ©1999 There is no question that God “chose” the Jewish nation as His own people in the Old Testament. But haven’t they forfeited their right to…

Genesis 1:26-27 – Are we “Little Gods” and Other Misinterpretations

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 15, 1999

By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©1999 Dr. Geisler examines various misinterpretations of these verses, and explains why they are wrong. Contents 1 Genesis 1:26—Does this verse indicate that there is more…

What Does Genesis 3:16 Mean

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 13, 1999

By: Rev. Sam Harris; ©1999 Does this verse mean a woman will have “control over her husband”? What does Genesis 3:16 Mean? Question: Does Genesis 3:16 mean a woman will…

The Christian and the Old Testament Law

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 6, 1991

By: Dr. Walter Kaiser, Jr.; ©1991 Is the Mosaic Law still valid and binding for New Testament Christians? What was the purpose of the Law? Did Christ end the law?…

What Evidence Proves Moses Wrote the First Five Books of the Bible?

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 6, 1991

By: Dr. Gleason L. Archer; ©1991 Many scholars claim that Moses couldn’t have written the first five books of the Bible for many reasons, one of which is that Moses…

Dramatic Archaeological Discoveries that Demonstrate the Reliability of the Old Testament

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 6, 1991

By: Dr. Walter Kaiser, Jr.; ©1991 Does archeology “prove” the Bible is reliable? No, Dr. Kaiser says, that’s not its purpose. What archeology does do is give us a cultural…

Dr. Walter Kaiser Lectures on Answers to Assumed Errors in the Old Testament

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 6, 1991

By: Dr. Walter Kaiser, Jr.; ©1991 Did God deliberately make some things in the Bible difficult to understand? How can we sort out error from false assumptions and interpretations of…

Exploding the J.E.D.P. Theory – The Documentary Hypothesis

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 6, 1991

By: Dr. Walter Kaiser, Jr.; ©1991 What is the evidence upon which critics claim Moses could not have been the author of the first five books of the Bible? How…

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