By: Dr. John Ankerberg; ©2000 If you are one of the millions of people who made a New Year’s resolution involving a bad habit, this article by Dr. Ankerberg will…
By: Jim Davis; ©2000 You’ve heard that we are to “forgive one another,” you’ve probably even recited it as part of the Lord’s Prayer frequently in church. But what does…
By: Jim Davis; ©2000 The apostle Paul, among others, have compared the Christian life to a race. Do you sometimes feel that you have “hit the wall” and simply can’t…
By: Rev. Sam Harris; ©2000 How can you be sure that your children learn the essentials of the Christian faith? Rev. Harris gives several practical ways to incorporate such teaching…
(excerpted from Lifetime Guarantee, published by Harvest House) A friend of mine who has made several trips to the Holy Land was telling me the other day how much different…
By: Dr. James Van Dyke; ©2000 When your world seems to be falling apart, can you assume that God has abandoned you? Surely He wouldn’t allow His children to suffer,…
By: Jim Davis; ©2000 Where do you turn when you are unable to cope with a physical, emotional or spiritual task? Jim Davis explains that the source for power in…
By: Jim Davis; ©2000 When should we disobey authorities? Jim Davis gives examples when disobedience may be our only option as Christians, but only when very strict guidelines are followed.…
By: Dr. Michael Stallard; ©2000 Dr. Stallard wraps up his series on the Biblical message of hope by looking at God’s specific plan and deliverance for the created order. Contents…
By: Dr. Michael Stallard; ©2000 Dr. Stallard looks at the Gentile (non-Jewish) nations of the world and God’s plan for them in the coming kingdom. Contents THE HOPE OF THE…