“My Pastor recently preached on anxiety, and he said it is a sin to worry. Is that true? I’m afraid I am a worrier. Does that mean that I am…
By: Jim Davis; ©2000 Is anxiety a problem for you? It is for many Christians despite the many Scriptures that urge us to “cast our cares upon Him.” Jim Davis…
By: Rev. Sam Harris; ©1999 What are the characteristics of a spiritual church? What questions can you ask to find out where a church stands? What Should I Look for…
By: Berit Kjos; ©1999 Children, how can you protect yourself from the occult and from other things God doesn’t want you to get into? I would like to tell you…
By: Lorri MacGregor; ©September 1999 By now, many people know what the Jehovah’s Witnesses do with John 1:1. But are there other Scripture verses that they twist to suit their…
A man who had lived a lot of years and dealt with a lot of people once said, “A thoughtful person, someone who does nice things for other persons, has…
By: Dr. James Van Dyke; ©19 Is there a way for us to be victorious over sin? Dr. Van Dyke says “Yes!, but not in our own strength.” Do you…
By: Nancy Missler; ©1999 God uses the “deep waters” in our lives to help us to grow spiritually. But many Christians misunderstand God’s purpose and “drown” in the deep waters…
By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©1999 Dr. Geisler concludes his critique of the book When Bad Things Happen to Good People, written by Rabbi Harold Kushner, and frequently recommended as a…
By: Rev. Sam Harris; ©1999 As a Christian, do I really need to go to church? Can’t I worship God adequately as I enjoy the beauty of His creation, say…