By: Dr. Renald Showers; ©2003 Numerous historians have declared that Premillennialism was the first major millennial view of the Church. In this article Dr. Renald Showers quotes from a number…
By: Dr. Renald Showers; ©2003 During the history of the Church three major views have been held concerning the future Kingdom of God. These are the premillennial, a millennial, and…
By: Dr. Renald Showers; ©2003 In this article Dr. Showers shows what Church Fathers Irenaeus and Tertullian taught about Premillennialism. Contents Our previous article began to examine the writings of…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Kurt Wise, Dr. David Menton; ©2003 What does the fossil record show about the evolution of man? Are there any transitional forms? What about Neanderthal?…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Kurt Wise, Dr. David Menton; ©2003 Dr. John Ankerberg’s guests are Dr. Kurt Wise and Dr. David Menton for this discussion: Do we have an…
By: Dr. Bryant G. Wood; ©2003 Further archaeological evidence that indicates the location of Sodom and Gomorrah, and which fits beautifully with the biblical account about them. Contents 1 The…
By: Dr. Bryant G. Wood; ©2003 We welcome new author Dr. Bryant G. Wood of the Associates for Bible Research. This fascinating article reveals the search for the cities of…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2003 Catholicism teaches that penance, confession, the Mass, the Rosary, purgatorial suffering and even Mary all play a role in the remission of…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2003 What roles do Mary, the Rosary and Purgatory play in the Catholic understanding of salvation? Since the Roman Catholic church teaches that…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2003 The Roman Catholic Church teaches that sacraments such as the mass, and confession contribute to, or are in some sense responsible for…