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Revelation-Part 40

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 10, 2002

By: Dr. Robert Thomas; ©2002 Continuing his study of Revelation chapters 17-19, Dr. Thomas describes the events surrounding the fall of Babylon and the attitudes of the people involved. Contents…

Revelation-Part 43

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 10, 2002

By: Dr. Robert Thomas; ©2002 Event #2: an angel will issue a summons to all the birds of prey to come to the battlefield. Event #3: the beast, the kings…

Revelation-Part 42

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 10, 2002

By: Dr. Robert Thomas; ©2002 This month we begin an investigation of the events of the seventh bowl found in Revelation 19:11-20:15. This article will concentrate on Revelation 19:11-16, the…

Revelation-Part 41

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 10, 2002

By: Dr. Robert Thomas; ©2002 Revelation chapter 19 reveals five songs. Who sings each? What is the purpose of each song? Dr. Thomas paints a glorious picture of a heavenly…

Revelation-Part 39

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 9, 2002

By: Dr. Robert Thomas; ©2002 Babylon’s sins, and therefore her guilt, have already been described, now John describes the judgment that will come upon her. Dr. Thomas leads us through…

Revelation-Part 38

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 9, 2002

By: Dr. Robert Thomas; ©2002 The focus in Revelation 17 now shifts back to the “great harlot” her sphere of influence and her ultimate destruction. Contents Contents 1 The Seventh…

Revelation-Part 37

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 9, 2002

By: Dr. Robert Thomas; ©2002 The author of Revelation, John, “marveled with great amazement” at the vision of the beast. In this passage he tries to describe what he has…

Revelation-Part 36

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 9, 2002

By: Dr. Robert Thomas; ©2002 Dr. Thomas suggests that the section from Revelation 17:1-19:10 provides a parenthetical look at Babylon before continuing with the chronological progression of future events. This…

Revelation-Part 35

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 9, 2002

By: Dr. Robert Thomas; ©2002 During the past three months we’ve looked at the first six of the bowl judgments. Now, in Revelation 16, we come to the initial description…

Revelation-Part 34

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 9, 2002

By: Dr. Robert Thomas; ©2002 If you think the misery unleashed by the first four “bowl judgments” was bad, Dr. Thomas says the worst is still to come! This month…

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