By: Mike Gendron; ©2001 Quoting from The Apostolic Digest, Mike Gendron shows how Roman Catholic Popes have offered ways of salvation other than that taught in the Bible. Contents 1…
By: Mike Gendron; ©2001 During the last three years Pope John Paul II has stated: 1) knowledge of Jesus Christ or His church is not necessary for salvation; 2) the…
By: James McCarthy; ©2001 Since the Second Vatican Council, the Roman Catholic Church has taught that all Christians are part of the family of God. Theology aside, however, most Catholics…
By: James McCarthy; ©2001 Who or what determines what is to be taught in the church and believed by Christians? The Roman Catholic Church answers that God has appointed it…
By: Rev. Sam Harris; ©2001 Once saved—always saved? Or can you lose your salvation? Rev. Harris responds to this question with Scriptures to help you have assurance of your salvation…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon; ©2001 How long is eternity? When will it end? Your answer to those questions will determine your understanding of our security as…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg; ©2001 Scripture teaches that everyone will have to appear before the judgment seat of Christ. Why? What will happen there? Can this be an encouragement to…
By: Lorri MacGregor; ©September 2001 Death will come to all of us at some point in our lives. The question in many people’s minds is, what happens to us after…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon; ©2001 Can Christians cause themselves to be eternally lost? What if a believer’s faith should fail? What promises from the Bible can…
By: Lorri MacGregor; ©August 2001 When one decides to become a Jehovah’s Witness, they need to be prepared to get to work immediately. And, according to former Witness, the work…