By: Michael J. Behe, Cosmic Pursuit; ©March 1, 1998 To Darwin, the cell—and every microbiological function—was an unknowable black box. Now that we can look into this box, can we…
By: Dave Hunt; ©1998 Eastern mysticism, particularly in the form of meditation has gained increasing acceptance in the West. How does Eastern meditation differ from biblical meditation? Why is it…
By: Dave Hunt; ©1998 Reincarnation is a recurring theme in eastern mysticism. But Dave Hunt says there are lots of reasons not to believe in it. Among other reasons, reincarnation…
By: Dave Hunt; ©1998 Is the similarity between shaktipat (spiritual awakening experienced in eastern religions) and being “slain in the spirit” more than mere coincidence? How has the acceptance of…
By: Dave Hunt; ©1998 Dave Hunt explains how yoga and Transcendental Meditation have been repackaged in an effort to hide their religious content and to make them palatable to a…
By: Dave Hunt; ©1998 Did you know that for many years a missionary movement has been sweeping across America? This movement has been successfully influencing our schools, sciences and even…
By: Michael J. Behe; ©1998 Para Darwin, la célula—y cada función microbiológica – era una caja negra enigmática. Ahora que podemos mirar dentro de la caja negra, ¿Qué sucede cuando…
Looking At My Salvation from God’s Point of View (from What God Wishes Christians Knew About Christianity, Harvest House, 1998) “But, Bill, how can I have been crucified in Christ?…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©1997 Recently there has been much interest in biblical archeology among Christians whose attention to archeology is primarily apologetic—i.e., how it confirms the…
By: Dr. Renald Showers; ©1996 Bible Prophecy Questions Answered by Leading Christian Scholars. Contents 1 Who are the “great multitude” that John saw in Revelation 7 between the sixth…