World Religions Archive

What do 49 of the most common new religions and cults believe about the deity of Christ?

By The John Ankerberg Show / October 5, 1996

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon; ©1996 This article lists some of the worlds “new religions” beliefs concerning the deity of Christ.   The individuals listed are the…

The Marriage of the Lamb

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 8, 1994

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Zola Levitt; ©1994 Every culture had its own custom of matrimony. Dr. Levitt discusses the customs of the Jewish Wedding. “Let us rejoice and be…

Jehovah’s Witnesses Distortions Concerning the Deity of Jesus Christ

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 9, 1991

By: Joan Cetnar, Bill Cetnar; ©1991 The best place to start when trying to sort out the different ideas about Jesus is to get to know the real thing! What…

How to Lead a Jehovah’s Witness to Faith in Jesus Christ?

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 9, 1991

By: Joan Cetnar, Bill Cetnar; ©1991 There’s no “one size fits all” formula for witnessing to a Jehovah’s Witness, but there are some things you need to know to be…

Characteristics of Major Cults in America

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 6, 1991

By: Dr. John Weldon; ©1991 This information is intended to accomplish four basic things. First, define a cult and show why the subject really is important. Second, to examine how…

Do Mormons Believe the Same as Christians Do?

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 30, 1986

By: ATRI Transcript; ©1986 Is Mormonism simply another Christian denomination or are there fundamental differences in the Mormon faith that separates it from traditional Christianity? This program transcript from Mormon…

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