Dr. Robby Gallaty

Pastor Robby Gallaty teaches what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, and how to pass what you learn on to another and another.

Discourses After Death: A Catch To Remember

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 21, 2014

Shortly before I moved to Chattanooga, some friends in the Church took me frog hunting. I will never forget what it was like on the boat that day with 3…

Discourses After Death: A Providential Proposal

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 21, 2014

In the summer of 2005, I said to Kandi, “could life get any better?” we had great friends, Kandi worked at the seminary, I was in school full time and…

Discourses After Death: Igniting A Fire

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 21, 2014

In 1983, a 50-year-old tradition was quietly dropped by the U.S. House of Representatives. The tradition involved the annual reading of George Washington’s farewell address on the occasion of his…

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