Dr. Wayne Barber
Well-loved pastor Dr. Wayne Barber takes you verse by verse through books of the Bible to give you a deep understanding of what each book teaches.
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1998 The apostle Paul is laying a grid through which we view the rest of chapters 12, 13 and 14. Rules are important. Boundaries are important.…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2000 Filthiness, silly talk, coarse jesting. Dr. Barber explains why these types of things must not be part of a Christians vocabulary, and what the consequence…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1992 This is our sixth message on this first phrase. “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God.” We have looked at Paul,…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1998 We’re staying right in the context of 1 Corinthians 8 and 9, denying self for the sake of others, but we’re going to look at…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2000 Dr. Barber reviews what we have learned to this point from the book of Ephesians regarding “Who” we are in Christ, the benefits and responsibilities…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1998 When we’re offended, particularly when it comes to affecting our pocketbook, that’s when our flesh usually takes over. We refuse to die to self; we…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2000 Dr. Barber details five areas that can be considered “roots of discouragement” and shows how to avoid falling victim to these traps. Audio Version Previous…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1998 Now what the apostle Paul does in verses 4, 5 and 6 is show us some essentials that a person must master and understand before…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1999 Dr. Barber examines the issue of the security of the believer. Can a Christian loose his or her salvation? Dr. Barber explains why not! Previous…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1998 This chapter has been so phenomenal in how it’s focused upon the one way in which you can know a person is surrendered to Christ—that…