Dr. Wayne Barber
Well-loved pastor Dr. Wayne Barber takes you verse by verse through books of the Bible to give you a deep understanding of what each book teaches.
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1998 So often we love to examine somebody else. It’s amazing how we look at other people more than we look at ourselves. So examine yourself.…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1998 Oh, we love the songs, “Jesus loves me, this I know.” He does; He really does. But somehow we fail to associate His chastening with…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1998 We need to live attached to Christ. Now, what I mean by that, we are already attached to Him as believers. When you get saved,…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1998 So, spiritual immaturity is characterized, first of all, by spiritual ignorance of spiritual matters. I mean, you know maybe one area or two areas, but…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1998 God has an order of how things should function and of how things are designed to be. He’s the potter, we’re the clay. The clay…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1998 The Corinthians were living attached to men and everything else other than Christ. But when you attach yourself to Christ and surrender to Him, God…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1998 Now what he is saying is, when we have the Lord’s Supper, there is a beautiful, spiritual intimacy that we are drawn together. Why? Because…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1998 Peter said of Paul, “You know, he says some things sometimes that are over our heads. They are hard to understand.” I like that, because…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1998 You can put just about anything in a grey area. This is the way you approach it. Are you willing to deny yourself for the…
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1998 Sometimes in your life you’ve got to back up and look at the whole picture. You can’t just look at the chapter that you’re in.…