By: Dr. Walter Kaiser Jr., Dr. Hugh Ross; ©2005 When did animals and plants begin to die? What happened to the earth. Is the Second Law of Thermodynamics associated with…
By: Dr. Walter Kaiser Jr., Dr. Hugh Ross; ©2005 The book of Genesis clearly outlines six days of creation, after which God rested (the seventh day). But were those 24…
By: Dr. Walter Kaiser Jr., Dr. Hugh Ross; ©2005 In Genesis 2, the seventh day does not have the “formula,” “and there was evening and there was morning,….” Does that…
By: Dr. Walter Kaiser Jr., Dr. Hugh Ross; ©2005 What does “literal” mean? How long is a day? If the word is used in different ways, how can you tell…
By: Dr. Walter Kaiser Jr., Dr. Hugh Ross; ©2005 What are the different viewpoints about the age of the earth and when it was created? What does “created” mean? Was…
By: Dr. Stephen Meyer; ©2011 In addition to chance, scientists have offered other answers to the origin of the precise genetic information found in DNA. We’ll see why DNA exhibits…
By: Dr. Stephen Meyer; ©2011 In recent years, research of the human cell has unearthed some of the enormous complexity found within the basic unit that composes our bodies. Increasingly,…
By: Dr. Stephen Meyer; ©2011 If the universe had a definite beginning, then a second related significant discovery also becomes clear—space and time had a beginning. Rather than an eternal…
By: Dr. Stephen Meyer; ©2011 What are the competing scientific views held today, and how does the latest evidence overwhelmingly point toward an Intelligent Designer rather than an eternal past…
By: Dr. Hugh Ross; ©2009 The Big Bang points toward an outside agent who created all space, time, energy, and matter. Genesis 1:1 states this exact information: “In the beginning,…