
The Muslim View of Jesus

By Dr. Ron Rhodes / June 17, 2024

Muslims consider Jesus to be one of Allah’s greatest prophets. He was a sinless man sent by God to bring truth to his time. In the Muslim view, He was…

The Muslim View of the Bible

By Dr. Ron Rhodes / June 13, 2024

Muslims face a conundrum when dealing with the Christian Bible. The Quran states that those who believe in Allah should not disbelieve any of His written words. They are prohibited…

The Muslim View of Salvation

By Dr. Ron Rhodes / June 10, 2024

From an Islamic perspective, humanity’s goal is not to seek to know God and become closer to Him through fellowship. Instead, the goal is to understand God’s (Allah’s) will and…

Allah—The God of Islam

By Dr. Ron Rhodes / June 6, 2024

Muslims affirm the existence of a single God or Supreme Being called Allah. The term “Allah” probably comes from al illah, meaning “the God.” Allah’s attributes include omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence,…

Muhammad—The Prophet of Islam

By Dr. Ron Rhodes / June 3, 2024

The continual use of Muhammad’s name among Muslims indicates their deep respect and reverence for him. Whether it’s spoken by worshipers in mosques, uttered by those in need, whispered by…

The Quran—The Scriptures of Islam

By Dr. Ron Rhodes / May 29, 2024

What are the Scriptures of Islam? In the Islamic world, reverence for the Quran is deep and abiding. The Quran is held in the highest esteem in every Muslim household,…

Jesus at Work in the Muslim World

By The John Ankerberg Show / November 20, 2015

By: Tom Doyle, Kamal Saleem, General William Boykin; ©2013 In our first program we will take you into the chaos of Egypt where Tom Doyle tells us powerful stories of…

Trapped Behind the Veil of Islam/Program 3

By The John Ankerberg Show / January 25, 2014

Ed. Note: Unless otherwise indicated, footnoted Qur’an quotes are from the Yusef Ali transition, and Hadith quotes are from Bukhari’s Hadith. By: Dr. Ergun Caner, Dr. Emir Caner; ©2013 God…

Trapped Behind the Veil of Islam/Program 1

By The John Ankerberg Show / January 25, 2014

Ed. Note: Unless otherwise indicated, footnoted Qur’an quotes are from the Yusef Ali transition, and Hadith quotes are from Bukhari’s Hadith. By: Dr. Ergun Caner, Dr. Emir Caner; ©2013 When…

Trapped Behind the Veil of Islam/Program 2

By The John Ankerberg Show / January 25, 2014

Ed. Note: Unless otherwise indicated, footnoted Qur’an quotes are from the Yusef Ali transition, and Hadith quotes are from Bukhari’s Hadith. By: Dr. Ergun Caner, Dr. Emir Caner; ©2013 This…

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