
What does living as a “Christ follower” mean for your everyday life?

Joy Is a Decision

By The John Ankerberg Show | July 22, 2016

In his book To Laugh Again, Chuck Swindoll says, “I know of no greater need today than the need for joy. Unexplainable, contagious joy. Our country seems to have lost…

Final Thoughts on Doubts

By Dr. Gary Habermas | May 10, 2016

Contents Previous Article Conclusion Christian doubt of several varieties is much more prevalent than many believers realize and it can be an extremely painful malady for those who suffer from…

Emotional Doubt

By Dr. Gary Habermas | May 10, 2016

Contents Previous Article Emotional Doubt We have already referred to this species of uncertainty as emanating chiefly from one’s passions or moods, usually involving a subjective response(s) by the indi­vidual.…

Volitional Doubt

By Dr. Gary Habermas | May 10, 2016

Contents Previous Article Volitional Doubt Our third category of uncertainty is chiefly related to one’s will and one’s ability to make certain choices. Regular issues of importance for this species…

Definition of Doubt

By Dr. Gary Habermas | May 10, 2016

Introduction: Some Crucial Groundwork Doubt, manifested in many forms from the assurance of one’s salvation to factual questioning, is certainly one of the most frequent and painful problems which plague…

Factual Doubt

By Dr. Gary Habermas | May 10, 2016

This article is from a series by Dr. Gary Habermas teaching on doubt in our lives. There are several articles including the explanation of doubt itself and the different types…

Identifying Doubt

By Dr. Gary Habermas | May 10, 2016

Contents Previous Article Identifying Doubt The point has already been made that it is crucial to identify the type of doubt from which a person is suffering in order to…

When God Does Not Answer

By Dr. Gary Habermas | May 10, 2016

  Many doubts are seemingly caused when believers do not receive the answers to their prayers or other needs like they think they should. In other words, uncertainty sometimes occurs…

Prayer: A Long Walk with God

By JA Show Staff | May 3, 2016

Cathy Sims shares from her personal experience of prayer. We don’t have to always pray long prayers or follow a specific pattern for prayer. If you are not in the…

How and Why We Need to Pray

By JA Show Staff | May 3, 2016

Why is it important for Christians to pray? Cathy Sims shares from her personal experience of prayer. I am often asked, “Since God knows everything, why should we pray?” Do you…

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