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Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? With Dr. Norman Geisler and Rabbi Harold Kushner – Program 4

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Norman Geisler, Rabbi Harold Kushner; ©1985 What’s really going on with Job? Why would God allow this good man to suffer? Did God lose control in Job’s life? Program 4: Why Do BAD THINGS Happen to GOOD PEOPLE?The Book of Job Ankerberg: Welcome! We’re talking about the question “Why do…

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? With Dr. Norman Geisler and Rabbi Harold Kushner – Program 3

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Norman Geisler, Rabbi Harold Kushner; ©1985 If God can intervene to prevent a crime or an accident, why doesn’t he? Does would he choose not to intervene? Program 3: Why Do BAD THINGS Happen to GOOD PEOPLE?Does God Choose Not to Intervene? Ankerberg: Welcome! We are talking with Rabbi Harold…

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? With Dr. Norman Geisler and Rabbi Harold Kushner – Program 2

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Norman Geisler, Rabbi Harold Kushner; ©1985 If God is really on our side, shouldn’t he stop any bad thing from happening to us? Since he doesn’t stop them, are we on our own to handle bad situations? Could God have a purpose in allowing hard things to happen to us?…

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? With Dr. Norman Geisler and Rabbi Harold Kushner – Program 1

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Norman Geisler, Rabbi Harold Kushner; ©1985 Is God limited? Is he loving – but not all-powerful? Are there some things he simply can’t do anything about? Program 1: Why Do BAD THINGS Happen to GOOD PEOPLE?Is there A God? What Kind of God is He? John Ankerberg: Good evening. Why…

Is Baptism Essential for Salvation? – Program 4

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Jimmy Allen, Dr. James Bjornstad, Dr. Jerry Jones, Rev. David Kingdon; ©1982 When the Bible talks about our faith, what does faith look like? Does salvation include faith AND something else? Contents The following material is divided into four sections, corresponding to the four half hour programs as they aired.…

Is Baptism Essential for Salvation? – Program 3

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Jimmy Allen, Dr. James Bjornstad, Dr. Jerry Jones, Rev. David Kingdon; ©1982 If someone expresses faith in Christ, but is not baptized, is their salvation valid? At what point does baptism become necessary? Is salvation a process that must include baptism? Contents The following material is divided into four sections,…

Is Baptism Essential for Salvation? – Program 2

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Jimmy Allen, Dr. James Bjornstad, Dr. Jerry Jones, Rev. David Kingdon; ©1982 The thief on the cross was not baptized, but Jesus seemed to indicate that he would be saved. How is that possible? Contents The following material is divided into four sections, corresponding to the four half hour programs…

Is Baptism Essential for Salvation? – Program 1

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Jimmy Allen, Dr. James Bjornstad, Dr. Jerry Jones, Rev. David Kingdon; ©1982 Is baptism necessary for salvation, or is salvation by faith in Christ as Lord and savior apart from baptism? Is baptism part of man’s “faith-response” to the grace of God? Contents The following material is divided into four…

Edgar Cayce and the Association for Research and Enlightenment: An Interview with Harvey Human, Esther Griffith and Carol Sharp – Program 2

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Harvey Human, Esther Griffith, Carol Sharp; ©1979 Did Cayce’s teachings agree with the Bible or with what the Church has historically taught? What did Cayce teach about Jesus? What did he believe about God? Followers of Edgar Cayce and Association for Research and Enlightenment: Do Cayce’s Readings Conflict with Orthodox Christian…

Edgar Cayce and the Association for Research and Enlightenment: An Interview with Harvey Human, Esther Griffith and Carol Sharp – Program 1

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Harvey Human, Esther Griffith, Carol Sharp; ©1979 Was Edgar Cayce getting his information directly from God? How accurate was the information he received? Followers of Edgar Cayce and Association for Research and Enlightenment: What is the Source of Edgar Cayce’s Readings? Program 1 Dr. John Ankerberg: The program today will focus…