The Creation Debate-Part 14
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Don DeYoung, Dr. Duane Gish and Dr. Kurt Wise; ©2002 Oscillating universe? Second law of Thermodynamics? Moon rocks? Fission Theory? Capture Theory? Are any of these proof of, or pointers, to the Big Bang? Editor’s note: In June 1990 The John Ankerberg Show taped a series of interviews with men…

The Creation Debate-Part 13
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Don DeYoung, Dr. Duane Gish and Dr. Kurt Wise; ©2002 Is the Big Bang theory credible? Is there scientific data that sheds doubt on that theory as the origin of the universe? Dr. Ankerberg’s guests for this discussion have Ph.D’s in physics, biochemistry and paleontology. Editor’s note: In June 1990…

The Creation Debate-Part 12
By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. Don DeYoung; ©2002 Dr. Don DeYoung (Ph.D. in Physics) explains the Big Bang Theory, and why it is not a reasonable explanation for the universe as it exists. Editor’s note: In June 1990 The John Ankerberg Show taped a series of interviews with men from several branches of the…

The Creation Debate-Part 11
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Duane Gish, Dr. David Menton and Dr. Kurt Wise; ©2002 Is archaeopteryx a hoax? What about transitional forms? What can we learn about the evolutionary process in the fossil record? Editor’s note: In June 1990 The John Ankerberg Show taped a series of interviews with men from several branches of…

Freedom Under Attack – Part 1
By: Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin (retired); ©2012 Given events happening in the Middle East, is America especially vulnerable to attack? Contents Introduction As we approach the American Presidential election, our next president will not only have to deal with an economic crisis, but also with the rise of militant Islam in 22 countries in…

The Creation Debate-Part 10
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Duane Gish, Dr. David Menton and Dr. Kurt Wise; ©2002 More fascinating details about feathers that make their evolution from reptilian scales improbable at best. Editor’s note: In June 1990 The John Ankerberg Show taped a series of interviews with men from several branches of the sciences regarding the evidence…

The Creation Debate-Part 9
By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. David Menton; ©2002 Dr. Menton explains how his hobby of studying feathers has led him to some interesting conclusions regarding the fossil evidence. Editor’s note: In June 1990 The John Ankerberg Show taped a series of interviews with men from several branches of the sciences regarding the evidence for…

The Creation Debate-Part 8
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Kurt Wise and Dr. Steve Austin; ©2002 Is the fossil record adequate? Are there gaps that would still allow for the evolutionary model? Drs. Kurt Wise and Steve Austin help us to see the evidence. Editor’s note: In June 1990 The John Ankerberg Show taped a series of interviews with…

The Creation Debate-Part 7
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Duane Gish and Dr. Kurt Wise; ©2002 Does the fossil record support evolution? What does the lack of transitional forms mean? Are there sufficient fossils to draw reasonable conclusions? Editor’s note: In June 1990 The John Ankerberg Show taped a series of interviews with men from several branches of the…

The Creation Debate-Part 6
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Duane Gish and Dr. Steve Austin; ©2002 Dr. Ankerberg’s guests explain that one reason why the lab experiments that “created” life were not valid is that they were done in a controlled environment that lacked oxygen—a condition that is not “normal” true on most of the planet. Editor’s note: In…