Evidence for the Historical Jesus -Is the Jesus of History the Jesus of Faith?/Program 5
By: Dr. Gary Habermas; ©2000 12 historical facts that present a solid foundational basis for believing Jesus lived, claimed to be God, died on a cross and rose again. Contents 1 Introduction Introduction Dr. John Ankerberg: The search for the historical Jesus is a hot topic in both popular and academic circles today and has…

Salvation: Christian and Muslim Perspectives (Transcribed from a series of programs produced by The John Ankerberg Show. Host: John Ankerberg. Guests: Dr. Gleason Archer, Dr. Jamal Badawi, Dr. Hussein Morsi, and Dr. Anis Shorrosh)
REDIRECT Salvation: Christian and Muslim Perspectives

120 Things ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and NBC Won’t Tell You About Jesus and the Bible – Part 2
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Craig Evans, Dr. Ben Witherington; ©2001 Recently ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and FOX have featured programs about Jesus. Inevitably, two things come up: the only information we have about Jesus is in the Bible, specifically the 4 Gospels, and we can’t trust hem; Jesus was (if he existed at all)…

120 Things ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and NBC Won’t Tell You About Jesus and the Bible – Part 1
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Craig Evans, Dr. Ben Witherington; ©2001 Recently ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and FOX have featured programs about Jesus. Inevitably, two things come up: the only information we have about Jesus is in the Bible, specifically the 4 Gospels, and we can’t trust hem; Jesus was (if he existed at all)…

The Beginning of the End: The Alignment of the Nations Against Israel/Program 1
By: Adnan Husseini, Benjamin Netanyahu, Moshe Arens, Major General (retired) Jacob Amidror, Lt. General Jerry Boykin, Itamar Marcus, Dr. Gabriel Barkay, Benjamin Elon, Hillel Weiss, Daniel Dayan, Abraham Rabinovich, Dr. Jimmy DeYoung; ©2008 Israel is a small nation, surrounded by enemies on all sides. Follow along as we visit key areas and discuss the Israel’s…