Recent Articles


Hypnosis – Moral Issues and Potential Dangers

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2012 The argument is advanced that hypnosis itself is harmless and that potential complications arise only from the therapist who misuses the practice. But even granting this claim, concerns must still be raised over the widespread use of hypnosis when incompetence and abuse among therapists are so frequent.…

Should Christians Participate in the Martial Arts?

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2012 The question of Christian participation in the martial arts is easy to resolve at one level and less easy at another. Christian groups which teach the martial arts, or employ them as evangelistic methods, stress that they can satisfactorily remove the Eastern philosophy and the occult practices…

Memory Manipulation in Hypnosis

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2012 A potential problem of hypnotherapy is age regression. This is where a person is taken back into childhood to re-experience an alleged trauma which is said to be causing problems in the present. And then there is age regression into “past lives” or “other personalities.”   Contents…

Martial Arts and the Manipulation of Chi

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2012 The martial arts are traditionally tied to the regulation and manipulation of mystical energies such as chi (Chinese) and ki (Japanese). Martial Arts and the Manipulation of Chi Mystical Energies The martial arts are traditionally tied to the regulation and manipulation of mystical energies such as chi…


Mantras and Mandalas in Occult Practices

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2012 Both mandalas and mantras are frequently used in occult meditation and visualization practice. For example, “Continuous repetition of mantras is practiced as a form of meditation in many Buddhist schools Contents 1 Meditation and Visualization 2 Magic, Occult Practice, Psychic Powers 3 Occult Enlightenment 4 NOTES Meditation…

What Happens During Channeling

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr.John Weldon; ©2012 What happens during channeling? When a channeler goes into a full trance, it is as if he is falling backwards into a deep sleep. Both his facial muscles and lips twitch as the invading spirit begins to gain control over the person. Contents 1 What Happens During…

The Spirits Behind the Channeling

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr.John Weldon; ©2012 Do many channelers sense that the spirits are not who they claim to be? Yes, and the channelers’ doubts are carefully handled by the entities. Contents 1 The Spirits Behind the Channeling 2 NOTES The Spirits Behind the Channeling The Spirits’ Motives Do many channelers sense that…

The Religious Philosophy of the Spirits Behind Channeling

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr.John Weldon; ©2012 Most people consider the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible to be exemplary in wisdom, ethical content, and in the positive impact they have had throughout history. It would be difficult to argue that teachings which deny and oppose them should be considered good. If the…

The Psychological Aspects of Channeling

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr.John Weldon; ©2012 Many channelers claim their spirit guides are only a part of their subconscious minds, their intuition, or their “creative unconscious.” Contents 1 The Psychological Aspects of Channeling 2 NOTES The Psychological Aspects of Channeling “Creative” Psychology Many channelers claim their spirit guides are only a part of…

The Link Between Channeling and the Spirit World

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr.John Weldon; ©2012 What would lead thinking people to conclude that channeling isn’t all fraud and fantasy? Contents 1 The Link Between Channeling and the Spirit World 2 NOTES The Link Between Channeling and the Spirit World The Link Between Channeling and the Spirit World Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John…