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Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 79
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 In these verses, Paul in closing his letter, warns that there are going to be those who are going to come in and try and compromise the truth he has taught the Roman believers. Audio Version Previous Article Romans 16:17-18 Beware! Part 1 Isn’t it wonderful to be in the…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 82
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Well, we have finally come to the last installment of Dr. Barber’s teaching on Romans. He ends with a discussion of the power of the Gospel in the Christian’s life. Audio Version Previous Article Romans 16:25-27 The Power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ We’re going to look at the…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 24
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 When a man comes to understand why he is what he is and where it came from, his whole perspective on sin changes. When he turns to Christ and puts his faith into Christ, he is never again related to sin like he used to be. That, says, Dr. Barber,…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 20
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 The reason why every person needs to be justified by faith boils down to one simple fact: every person is a sinner. How did we become sinners? Can we do anything to justify ourselves? What did Jesus do for us? Dr. Barber gives the good news! Audio Version Previous Article…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 7
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 The Gentiles in Rome were sinners. No one questioned that. Paul describes them as being “ungodly” and “unrighteous.” The problem came in convincing the Jews that they were in the same boat—they too needed the saving grace of God. Dr. Barber explains the way Paul lays out the legal case…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 26
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 We have a new life in Christ, but some of those old urges of the flesh still haunt us. Can Christians resist the temptation, or are we doomed to fall? What power had God given us to help us make that choice? Audio Version Previous Article Romans 6:14-16 Our New…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 17
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 What is the difference between the peace OF God and peace WITH God? How can you live in peace with God? What can disrupt your perception of that peace? Can you lose it? Audio Version Previous Article Romans 5:1-2 The Details of God’s Good News, Part 7 We have been…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 52
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Dr. Barber says he is convinced, on the basis of his study of Romans, that God is NOT finished with Israel. In this article he takes you through the final proofs from chapter 11. Audio Version Previous Article Romans 11:11-24 Is God Through With Israel? Part 2 Paul brings up…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 47
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Righteousness, Dr. Barber says, is not an attainment, it is a provision—it is not something we do ourselves, but something that God gives to us. Audio Version Previous Article Romans 9:30-10:5 Righteousness is a Precious Possession Righteousness is not an attainment, it is a provision. It is what God gives…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 18
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 How can tribulation and suffering be an indication of God’s love for us? This is one of the questions Dr. Barber explores in this passage. Audio Version Previous Article Romans 5:3-5 The Details of God’s Good News, Part 8 The apostle Paul wants us to understand what happens when we…