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Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 66
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 How does your relationship with God impact your interaction and relationship with people you meet? What does “righteousness” have to do with “relationship”? Dr. Barber explains. Audio Version Previous Article Romans 14:7-12 Our Responsibilities Under Grace, Part 14 For eleven chapters we have seen the great mercy and grace of…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 60
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Dr. Barber explores the implications of verse 18: “If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.” What if it isn’t possible? How far does your responsibility extend? Audio Version Previous Article Romans 12:18-21 Our Responsibilities Under Grace, Part 8 There are three difficult…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 6
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 According to Dr. Barber, Paul goes about the problem of man’s sin in a slightly backwards way. First, he gives the cure—the good news, then he tells us the problem—man is inherently sinful. Audio Version Previous Article Romans 1:19-32 Man’s Desperation for God’s Good News! Part 2 Paul is showing…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 51
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Is God finished with the nation of Israel? Dr. Barber says the answer is a resounding “No!” He gives the first two of five reasons this month. Audio Version Previous Article Romans 11:1-10 Is God Through With Israel? We begin a very, very exciting chapter. I am simply going to…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 4
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 What makes a person a “debtor” of God’s good news? Dr. Barber explains that it is the fact that God “paid a debt He didn’t owe when I owed a debt I couldn’t pay.” Audio Version Previous Article Romans 1:8-15 THE DEBTOR OF GOD’S GOOD NEWS I want us to…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 71
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Dr. Barber points out how the apostle Paul models the very behavior that he tells the Roman church to exhibit. Does his example apply to us today? Audio Version Previous Article Romans 15:17 A Right to Boast, Part 1 Some people mention the exchanged life, and they’re not teaching it…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 67
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Dr. Barber explains the necessity of walking according to love, the characteristics of walking according to love, and the motivation of walking according to love. Audio Version Previous Article Romans 14:13-21 Our Responsibilities Under Grace, Part 15 Some years ago, I had the opportunity to visit the palace where Romania’s…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 13
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Good works can’t save us—we could never do enough; following the law can’t save us—we could never follow it perfectly enough; even those great heroes of the Jewish people, Abraham and David needed something outside themselves to be righteous in God’s eyes? What is that something? Audio Version Previous Article…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 23
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Romans 5:20 says that “where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.” So, a Christian can just go out and do whatever he pleases, sin as much as he wants, because then he’ll get more grace, right? Wrong! Says Dr. Barber as he begins to show you Paul’s argument against…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 81
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Paul gives greetings from his traveling and ministry companions. Dr. Barber uses these greetings to explain how important fellow workers are when you are involved in any type of ministry. Audio Version Previous Article Romans 16:21-24 Relationships One thing that’s interesting to me is that in Romans 12:1-2 the Apostle…