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Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 29

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Living under the law may mean that you measure your spirituality according to a set of “rules.” If you fail to live up to these rules, you think you have failed to win the love and favor of God in your life? Is this true? How can you free yourself…


Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 65

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 The first thing Paul does in this passage (vv. 1-3) is lay out a principle: We are never to judge a brother, especially those who are weaker in the faith, because we have been accepted solely upon our faith in Christ Jesus. We are not accepted by Christ because what…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 1

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Dr. Barber begins a series on the book of Romans by examining its author, Paul. What was it about this man that made him a man God could use in such a mighty way? Audio Version Romans 1:1 Paul: A Man That God Can Use! I want you to look…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 77

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Dr. Barber points out more “unknown” saints, and explains how they can help us understand what is important in the Body of Christ. Audio Version Previous Article Romans 16:9-12 The Body of Christ, Part 3 We talk about freedom, but freedom is not the right to do as you please.…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 68

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Dr. Barber explains the individuality of living out of our own convictions, the responsibility now that comes along with the strong in the faith towards the weaker brother, and the integrity of the command that God has given. Audio Version Previous Article Romans 14:22-15:3 Our Responsibilities Under Grace, Part 16…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 62

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Are Christians exempt from paying taxes? What does the Bible teach about the purpose for taxation, and the Christians’ responsibility to their elected officials? Audio Version Previous Article Romans 13:6-7 Our Responsibilities Under Grace, Part 10 This whole passage of scripture, verses 1-7, is like a little block that is…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 59

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 How are we to treat one another within the body of Christ? How should we respond to persecution? A fellow Christian’s victories? A fellow Christian’s sorrow? Dr. Barber explains. Audio Version Previous Article Romans 12:14-17 Our Responsibilities Under Grace, Part 7 I love the chorus, “The Family of God.” I’m…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 58

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 What is “love without hypocrisy”? Dr. Barber explains how Paul has framed his answer to that question. Audio Version Previous Article Romans 12:9-13 Our Responsibilities Under Grace, Part 6 Have you ever heard the seven last words of the dead church, “We never did it that way before”? Have you…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 73

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 In this study we talk about being a useful vessel to the Lord. Paul has described that Christ does His work through him. But in order for Christ to work through us, we must be surrendered vessels, available for Him to use. Dr. Barber explains. Audio Version Previous Article Romans…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 54

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 Dr. Barber explains that the transformation to living under grace includes major “renovations” in our lives. Previous Article Romans 12:2 Our Responsibilities Under Grace, Part 2 The first thing you do as a grateful bond-servant of the Lord Jesus, transformed by the mes­sage of grace, is present your body. But…